Never Look out the Window...

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I can hear voices, and I immediately know it is Jack, Luke, and Bella. I listen with my eyes closed, so they think I am still unconscious. "What if she doesn't wake up?" I hear Luke ask worriedly. "She will... hopefully..." Jack replied with a sigh.

I slowly open my eyes, done with pretending. I see them all standing over me with stressed looks on their faces, their faces lighting up when they see my awakening, Bella immediately reaching down and hugging me. I hug her back, smiling.

Jack kneels beside me and lets out a sigh of relief. "Thank God you're okay!" He smiles. I smile back, sighing in relief, as well.

I look around to find that we are all in a big steel cell with a single barred window. "Why is there a window in here?" I ask curiously. "We haven't looked out of it yet. When Billy threw us in here, we just focused on trying to wake you up." Luke replies sincerely with a smile.

I stand up and walk over to the window, and what I see is the most horrible thing in the world. "You guys need to see this..." I mutter, fear in my voice.

All three of them crowd around the small window and look at the horrible sight. Jack only looks for a second, then stumbled backwards, rivers of tears immediately starting to flowing down his now pale face.

His eyes are no longer the electric blue that we all know, they are now a dull grey. He sinks to his knees, his head in his hands. Bella, Luke, and I have a few stray tears running down our faces.

I carefully go up to Jack and kneel beside him, putting my hand on his back comfortingly. "Jack--" He cries harder into his hands. "...Billy imprisoned my subscribers..."

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