Revenge time

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I stared at the blue and pink Septic Eye in awe. "Mark... Is is suppose to do that?" I asked. He shrugged. "I don't know..."

AntiSepticEye was screaming his ass of. "GIVE IT BACK YOU LITTLE BITCH!!!!" I stood up and started kicking him.

His screams slowly turned into whimpers. "Shut the fuck up before I kick your-"

"NOPE!" Mark cut in, making sure I didn't say the last word. Mark and Luke got off of Anti. Anti tried to stand, but his leg made a nasty snapping sound, and he crumpled to the ground again in pain.

I saw Luke smirk out of the corner out of my eye. I, too, found myself smiling. "Now you can't get up." Mark stated.

Anti just flipped him off, cursing in the process. Mark took a step forward. "Do you want me to break you? 'Cause I will! For Jack's sake, I will!" he growled.

Anti kicked Mark with his other leg. Mark yelped and fell. I glared at AntiSepticEye, who was laughing.

"That must of hurt." he smirked. Mark stood up, grabbed Anti, causing him to cry out in pain, and threw him down again.

He landed near Darkiplier. I glanced at Luke, who was full on laughing. Bella was right next to him, doing the same.

I was laughing as well. Mark kicked Anti in the ribs, and a loud cracking sound could be heard. Anti screamed.

"Can I try?" I asked Mark with a smirk. Mark nodded. I went up to Anti and kicked him where it hurts.

He started crying. Darkiplier slowly opened his eyes. "Oh, you're awake now as well." Felix said, kicking Dark in the back.

Dark shut his eyes, which were welling up with tears. "What did you do now, Anti..." Dark sighed, starting to stand.

Felix pushed him down again, causing his leg to bend the wrong way. As he landed next to Anti, a snapping sound echoed throughout the room.

He screamed. "I didn't do anything..." Anti answered, looking over his shoulder at Dark.

"That's a lie!" Bella shouted. "You've imprisoned us!" she said, running up to him and slapping him. "You've hurt us!"

Luke said, slapping him as well. "You've turned Trin evil!" Mark growled, kicking Anti once more. "You've killed Jack's subscribers!"

Felix said, kicking him in the back. "And you killed Jack!" I shouted, fire appearing in my hands. Anti started backing up into Dark, who sat up.

I came closer to the two evil counterparts, who cowered in fear. "And you said I was weak! HA! Look at you two cowards!"

Anti warily sat up. "Anti, you're the evilest person I've ever met, and I gotta tell you this, The bad guys, never  win."

I tackled him, causing him to hit Dark. Mark ran up to Dark and held him down. "Anti! Help!" Dark shouted, fighting Mark.

"How!?" Anti screamed, fighting me. I held the fire close to his face, scaring him. "Please! No! I don't want to die!" he cried, tears falling from his face.

I stared at him for a moment. "What are you waiting for?! Kill him!" Mark shouted, strangling Dark.

I glanced at him. I don't want to. I don't want to kill anyone. I sighed. "Don't fucking move..." He immediately froze.

I got off of him. He looked surprised. "Y-You're not going to k-kill me?..." he stuttered. I shook my head. "I forgive." The fire in my hands disappeared.

"Lucky you." I grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the Markiplier vs Darkiplier situation.

"But Mark doesn't." I grabbed his hands, putting them behind his back. "What are you-?" I slapped him.

I turned his head so he was watching Dark try and fight Mark. Mark was punching him multiple times in the chest. "No! Stop! You'll kill him!" Anti shouted at Mark.

"He knows he will." I smirked. Dark slowly stopped fighting, letting Mark punch him. "DARK!!" Anti cried, rivers of tears flowing down his bloody face.

"A-Anti..." Dark coughed. "You took one of our friends, so I take one of yours!" Mark shouted at Anti, not removing his gaze from Darkilpier.

Dark slowly stopped moving. Mark got off of him and looked at me. He nodded, and I let go of Anti's hands.

He crawled to Dark, crying his eyes out in the process. He reached Dark, and wrapped his arms around him.

"You can't die! I won't let you!" he cried, starting to heal Dark. "N-No, Anti, you save your healing powers, you'll become weak..." Dark coughed.

"I'm not letting you die, Dark, not after everything we've been through!" Anti said, continuing to heal Dark.

Dark shakily grabbed Anti's hand. "Stop..." Anti stopped healing Dark, tears falling like rain. "L-L-Look at me, Anti, we've been through some t-tough times together, I know..."

Dark coughed, tears falling from his eyes as well. "Dark..." Anti said, barely audible. "I'll always be with you, Anti..." Dark said, his eyes slowly closing.

"Don't you dare fucking die on me! I can't do this without you! Dark! DARK!" Anti cried, but to no avail.

Dark stopped breathing. Anti slumped over his best friends' dead body.

"...Why you... Dark... why you..."

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