Ermergurd Billy!

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We enter the red room to see Luke and Bella in a cell. "Bella! Luke!" I shout happily, running over to the cell, but glaring at the lock I find.

Bella looks at me and opens her mouth to say something, but she then sees Jack, making her just stare in amazement, Her eyes and Luke's going wide. "Is that JackSepticEye?!!" Bella asks in astonishment, her voice high pitched. "Yes." Jack says, walking up to the cell door and examining the lock.

"Get back Trin." I take five steps backwards to be safe and I watch the fire appear in Jack's hand, nearing the lock and catching it on fire, melting it slowly. Bella and Luke slowly exit the cage, looking at Jack one last time before running to me.

"Okay," Jack starts, turning to us. "We should leave before--" The sound of an explosion interrupts him, Billy suddenly standing right in front of us. "I see you've found yourself a partner, Jack!" Billy muses, looking at me with his arms crossed, a grin on his face.

Green fire forms in Jack's hands once again, his eyes turning a bright green. Billy look at Bella and Luke, his eyes narrowing Jack as he returns his gaze to him. "You've freed my prisoners!" I take out my knife, a glaring at the little brat.

"They're not prisoners, they're my friends!" Billy looks at me, rolling his red eyes. "Jack is a weak bastard, I don't understand why you are following him," He grins. "After all, you're following him to your doom!" Billy laughs, it sounding psychopathic.

"SCREW YOU BILLY!!" Jack shouts, causing red electricity to erupt from Billy's hands, him shooting it at Jack. Jack leaps out of the way, narrowly avoiding injury. I lunge at Billy with my knife and cut his face, blood trickling down his cheek.

He gingerly touches the wound, a slightly shocked expression on his face. He then turns hostile, growling and shooting the electricity at me. I dodge the blow and give Jack time to come up behind Billy and start strangling him. "Die you little bitch!" Jack shouts as they fight.

Billy elbows Jack in the stomach, causing Jack to let go of Billy, wheezing and holding his stomach. Billy looks at Jack, then at me, running to me and grabbing the back of my neck with one hand, and forming red electricity in the other.

"I'll kill her if you move!" Billy says, the electricity nearing my face, me starting to struggle. The fire in Jack's hands vanish, him hesitant about his decision. "That's right Jack, you calm down, and I add two more prisoners to my collection!" Billy throws me to the ground, laughing maniacally as more people in black come out with daggers to detain us.

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