Okay, we're in...

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It was only ten minutes before we reached construction. There was signs everywhere saying "DO NOT CROSS". A construction work or came up to us and stopped us.

"Hey, you can't cross here. This street's closed." I sighed. "Please?" Bella asked. He shook his head. "Well that's all I got." She mumbled. I sighed.

~Time skip half an hour of arguing~

My eyes were blue again. We avoided telling the construction worker why we wanted to cross. We lied best we could, but he continuously denied our request. "This is bullshit" I angrily said.

Bella and Luke nodded. The sun had disappeared behind the mountains. We were WAY behind schedule. I stormed off, Bella and Luke behind me.

"What now?" Luke asked. I thought for a moment. I suddenly remembered the secret way that I figured out when I was five. I would use it to sneak into and out of the store. It also led around the store.

"C'mon." I motioned. We ran into the trees behind the store and found the trench that I dug that led around. We ran alongside the trench and were successfully around the store.

We all knew that we would be in trouble if we got caught over here, so we ran for a while until we knew that we couldn't be seen. We slowed down and took a drink of water.

~Time skip 1 hour and a half of walking~

We finally reached the old wooden house. It was twelve, so we all decided to go in and sleep. We entered the old house and closed the door. "We should tell our parents that were spending the night at your house." They both said to me. "What about me?" "You can pretend to spend the night at my house." Bella said.

I nodded. We all took out out phones and lied to our parents. "Okay," I started. "Try to sleep, we need to be prepared for whatever is still in here." They nodded. We all fell asleep, unaware of what lies ahead.

What I Wish (JackSepticEye Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now