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I sat there, crying my eyes out, and hugging Sean's lifeless body. I heard running behind me.

I felt someone's soft hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Bella, tears streaming down her face. "It's okay Trin..." she said, her voice cracking.

I shook my head. It's NOT okay! Sean's DEAD!  "He's dead..." Anti said. "He's dead! Ha ha! Finally!" I turned around and stared at him.

"YOU MURDERER!! I FUCKING HATE YOU!!" I screamed. Anti just chuckled. "Dark? Where are you?" Dark appeared behind Anti, smiling.

"She's mad at you." Dark stated. "Duh. I just killed her idol." Dark laughed. "Where's Mark?" Dark smirked and pointed towards Luke.

Luke was holding a battered Markiplier in his arms. I saw that, thankfully, Mark wasn't dead. PewDiePie was next to Mark, helping him up.

They helped Mark over to where we were. As soon as Mark saw Jack, he broke down crying. "W-W-Why?! Why J-Jack?" He grabbed his best friend's body and hugged it, not letting go for any reason.

We all sat there in silence, cradling the dead YouTuber's body. AntiSepticEye broke the silence by saying "I'll leave you five hear to mourn your "Loss"

Anti was surrounded in black flames, and disappeared. Dark just disappeared. Billy was surrounded in red electricity and disappeared.

Jack's chest suddenly started to emit green fire. We all took a step back, as Jack's body was lifted into the air.

The green fire grew, and surrounded his whole body. "What's happening?" Bella asked, wiping away tears.

"I don't know... Maybe his powers are kicking in." Mark suggested, wiping away tears as well.

I reached out to touch Jack, but my hand immediately felt as if it was being cut off. I drew my hand back quickly.

"Ouch! Dammit!" I stated, cradling my injured hand. "Forcefield?" Felix said. "To keep Anti from stealing Jack's powers?"

We all nodded. That's what it had to be. A forcefield. A little, green, circular symbol appeared above Jack's head.

"What is that?" Luke asked, squinting. "It looks like... a Septic Eye..." I said, getting a closer look.

It was a Septic Eye. Mark had a skeptical look on his face. "What does it mean?" We shrugged. "Maybe it's in Jack's files."

Bella raised an eyebrow. "Files?" Mark looked at her. "Yes, files. Jack does research on himself for some reason, he showed me," he gasped. "He said he found this really weird thing about a so called "Septic Eye Necklace"

We all exchanged excited looks. Mark ran to a door, opened it, then ran into the room. We all immediately followed.

As we entered the room, there were file cabinets on every wall, and a table and chairs in the middle. Mark ran to a cabinet. He skimmed through the files until he said "Aha!"

He grabbed a folder and sat at the table. We followed and Mark opened the folder. There was a picture of a necklace with a silver chain with a Septic Eye on it.

"Look, it says here that, "With this necklace, anyone and anything can be healed, powered, or revived."

We all smiled. "Where is it?" I asked. Mark frowned. "No one knows. It says here that an unknown power stole the necklace from a cave in Florida."

We all immediately knew who it was. "AntiSepticEye!" Felix shouted. "We gotta go get it!" Bella stood up.

"Whoa! Calm down! It says that once a force of evil obtains the necklace, there was only a rare chance to get it back."

"How rare of a chance?" I asked. "...One in one million..." Bella immediately started crying. I hugged her.

"We can get it back, we have to. For Jack." Felix said, standing up. "He's right! We won't know if we don't try! After all, It's the only thing that can save him!" I said.

Mark sighed. "It's to risky. Anti's to powerful." I walked up to him and got in his face. "Mark! Do you WANT me to slap you?! Cuz I will! I'm going, whether any of you are or not! for Jack!"

Mark let out a sad sigh. "You're right..." He stood up. Luke stood up as well. I stuck my hand out. "For Jack?"

Felix was the first to put his hand in. "For Jack." Bella stuck her hand out, putting it on top of Pewds's.

"For Jack..." She said, wiping away tears with her other hand. Luke stuck his hand in. "For Jack!" He said confidently.

We all stared at Mark, who had his arms crossed. "This is crazy! We'll die!" he sighed. "I rather be with Jack in Heaven than here on this Earth with AntiSepticEye. And I'll go without you, I don't care."

Everyone with their hands out nodded. Mark sighed and stood up straight. He put his hand in. "For Jack, my best friend."

Awwww!!!! TIME TO GO GET THAT NECKLACE!!! WOOOO!!!! Mk... I'll calm down now... By the waaaay.... THE PICTURE'S DONE!!! :D Pika5490, DanJackMarkPewdsFNAF, ashes-on-fire, It's done! It's my background picture! Aaand, I just wanna put this out there, SORRY IF I OFFENDED YOU IN ANY WAY!!!!! I honestly SUCK at drawing... and in general... _-_ Anyways, THANK YOU GUYS, so much for reading this chapter and if you liked it, punch that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS!!!! Aaand high-fives all around! *high-fives to sides* but thank you guys, and I'll see all you dudes, IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~ TrinSepticEye

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