After all we've been through...

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"WHAT!!?" Everyone in the room shouted simultaneously. Rin just laughed awkwardly. "Yeah..."

Jack grabbed her. "You're dead!" I pushed Jack away. "No, Jack! She said that she's changed." Jack growled. "Oh yeah? How do we know that she's changed? She could be TRICKING you!"

Fire appeared in Jack's hands. I stood my ground, even though I was scared. "Move. Now." Jack demanded.

I shook my head. "I'm not going to fight you, Jack, but if you touch her," Fire appeared in my hands. "Then I must."

Jack looked surprised. "Trin... Come on... You're joking..." I stared into his green eyes, my expression serious.

Jack sighed, the fire leaving his hands. I made the fire disappear from my hands, as well. "Rin, I'm sorry, but I can't trust you. You're AntiSepticEye's daughter, and that's someone that I cannot be friends with."

Jack glanced at my parents. "And as for you, Trin..." He walked up to me. "You aren't aloud in my base from this moment on."

My jaw dropped. "What? Why?" I asked frantically. "You trust the daughter of my mortal enemy. You are basically one of my enemies now, too." He said, pain and sadness in his voice.

Tears streamed down my face. "Jack... She SAVED me from Anti, and you still don't trust her?! I could've become PREGNANT if she hadn't been there!"

Jack winced. "I know, and I thank her for saving you," He let out a shaky sigh. "But she could turn on us later on, so I'm making my base off-limits for you and your friends. I'm truly sorry, Trin, but-"

"No! Don't say another word!" I snapped, pushing him back. He stumbled, but Mark caught him.

I started walking towards the exit. "Let's go Rin..." My twin hastily followed me. My parents were close behind us.

As we left, I went over everything that just happened in my mind. He just kicked me out! He can't do that!

I kicked a nearby garbage can and cursed. "Calm down, Trin, he'll let you back in." Rin said, looking at the fallen trash bin.

I let out an angry sigh. "...Whatever..."

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