Prisoner swap

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"Well, how are we gonna get out of here?" I ask, looking at Jack. He shrugs, going over to the cell door and examining the lock. He reaches out to touch it, but draws his hand back quickly with a wince.

"What's wrong Jack?" He glances up at me from the lock. "AntiSeptic..." He walks backwards and sits in the middle of the cell. I soon see that he is looking at the cuts on my arms. "I'm fine Jack." I assure him, putting my hands behind my back to hide the wounds.

Jack stands up, looking serious. "No you're not, you need to be healed." "No, Jack, we need to get out of here. Don't worry about me." I argue. "Shh! someone's coming!" Bella whisper-shouts, interrupting our argument.

We all shut up as Billy enters the room, walking over to our cell. "I told those idiots to put you with Jack!" He sighs, looking at me. He unlocks the door, and as he open it, red electricity forms in his other hand. The door is unlocked and Billy ushers me to Jack's cell.

As Billy gets closer, the fire in Jack's hands get bigger. Billy sighs, clearly annoyed. "Do you really want me to take out the AntiSeptic? Do you?" The electricity in Billy's hand disappear, but he still holds his hand out in case he needs to summon the AntiSeptic.

"I'm going to count to three, and that fire better be gone, or else!" Jack doesn't move, but the fire in his hands does shrink a small bit. "One..." Billy slowly takes out a red dagger. The fire in Jack's left hand vanishes, his look deadly.

"Two..." Billy raises the dagger to my neck, causing me to gasp, and try to draw back. The green fire in Jack's right hand shrinks to a tiny flame. "You'll be sorry if I say three..." Billy threatens, the cold blade touching my throat.

The flame in Jack's hand goes out completely, but his look stays strong. Billy lowers the dagger with a grin. The dagger suddenly vanishes and he takes out that little black cube. Jack falls backwards, while I get the excruciatingly painful headache, my vision going blurry.

Billy unlocks and opens the cell door, throwing me in, and luckily, Jack is there to keep me from hitting my head on the steel floor.

Billy puts the AntiSeptic cube back in his pocket, also closing and re-locking the door. "You four get some rest now, you have a big day tomorrow! Especially you, Jack!" Billy muses. watching Jack glare at him.

Billy leaves us, laughing. Laughing at the pain he cause Jack and I, knowing that there will be more to come.

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