A REAL Fire?

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Today is Saturday, and guess what my family does on Saturday? We all watch JackSepticEye! We get Jack up on the Xbox 360 that we have. Dad, mom, Bella and her family, Luke and his family, and I are all sitting down and watching Jack in the living room.

My mother and father love Jack like my friends and I do. Today, we're watching Jack's surgeon games.

I read the caption that's onscreen in the game and it says the word 'AntiSeptic'.

"ANTISEPTIC!!!" Luke screams, us kids and Jack himself soon joining him.

We watch the surgeon videos until it was time for bed. Bella and Luke go home, and my family and I go to sleep.

* * *

I wake up and looked at my clock, which reads 1:07. I'm not tired, surprisingly. I get out of bed and walk into the living room.

I sit down on the sofa in the dark. I can't see shit. I know the coffee table is in front of the sofa so I reach out and feel the table. I also feel the remote for the television.

I grab it and see a vague red button. I press it an the T.V. comes to life. Jumping at the volume, I hastily turn it down, looking up from the remote to see that it is on the news station.

"There is a fire at house in Athlone, Ireland, there are two trapped inside, a baby and the mother. The mother's son, Luke Winslow, tells us more." Wait... Luke?! Luke comes on screen in his pajamas.

"I-I was sleeping, and t-then I heard the f-fire a-alarm go o-off..." He says, on the brink of tears again. The house in the background is engulfed in flames, and several firemen were working to put it out.

I run to my parents room and shake my mom. "Mom! Mom! Luke and his family are in trouble!" She opens her eyes, squinting at me. "What kind of trouble?" "A FIRE!!" I shout, stepping back.

She immediately wakes up dad and tells him, they both told me to go get dressed. I throw on a sweatshirt and shoes and run to my parents room to see that they were already dressed and running out of their room.

We run to the car and drive to the burning house. I hope everyone is gonna be okay... I get out of the car and run to find Luke. I see him and run to him, hugging him. "Are you okay?!" I ask, my tone frightened. "I'm fine! Camille and my mother are still in there!"

I look at the burning house and started running towards it. I was stopped by a fireman. "Whoa! You can't go in there!" He says, looking at me like I was crazy. I ignore him and push his hand out of my way. I run as fast as I could into the house.

I immediately inhale tons of smoke and start coughing. I look around and listen for any voices, hearing crying. I follow the noise to a closed door. I try to open it but it won't budge. I wipe the sweat from my forehead and kick the door and watch as it splinters open.

I see three people: Danielle, Camille, and another person. I can't make out the other person's features. They look at me, their eyes a bright green. They blink and I could breath and see again. Then, they disappear. I grab Danielle and Camille and run out the door.

We emerge from the flaming house and firemen come running towards us. "You're pretty damn brave." A fireman says to me. I smile then closed my eyes, taking deep breaths.

"Trinity! Why the hell did you do that?!" I open my eyes and say "I had help" I blink and I see my mother and father. They then take me home.

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