Why Jack Why?!

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Seeing and hearing Jack cry was the worst thing ever. I know Bella and Luke felt the same way. Bella and And Luke come and kneel beside Jack as well. "Jack, please don't cry..." Bella says softly, wiping away her own tears.

He ignores her and continues to cry, his head in his hands. "H-He has my subscribers!..." he sobs, his voice cracking. I look over at Luke, who has a look of determination on his face.

"Jack, we can save them, I know we can! And he doesn't have all of them!" Luke stands up. Jack lifts his head, wiping his tears away and looking up at him, his look sad. "We're going to end up like them."

Luke shakes his head. "With you we won't!" Jack looks at Bella, then at me. "C'mon Jack! You're their only savior! Your OUR only savior!" I exclaim, smiling at him. He stands up, returning his gaze to Luke.

"Thanks for believing.." Jack smiles, his eyes returning to their true blue color. Bella and I stand up excitedly. "So, anyone got a plan for getting out of here?" Bella asks, looking at each of us.

Jack nods. "Yes..." He looms at me, his look serious. "But it's going to hurt..." Green fire suddenly appears in his hands and launches at me. I am hit and I drop to the ground, unable to see anything.

"WHAT THE HELL JACK!?!" I hear Luke scream, Bella crying as he yells, her small hands picking me up and hugging me close to her. "Why the fuck did you do that?!" Luke shouts at Jack, sounding angry.

"It was for her! I did it for her!" Jack replies, sounding sorry but still standing his ground. I feel a sudden jolt of energy, as well as feeling myself being lifted off the ground. My vision slowly comes back, and I see that I am suspended in midair.

You now what else is weird? There is green fire surrounding my body. "What the fuck is going on?!" Bella stands and takes a few steps away from me.

There is a sudden burning feeling that shoots throughout my body, which hurt like hell. I suddenly fall out of the air and onto the hard, steel ground, unconscious.

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