Your what?!

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I shut my eyes tight, bracing myself for what was about to happen. "Wait, I want to do something..." I felt something cold touch me.

I opened my eyes to see it was the steak knife pressed against my stomach. He dragged the knife across my skin, making the letter "A".

I tried to kick him or hurt him in any way, but it didn't work. He continued to drag the knife across my stomach until the word "AntiSepticEye" was permanently engraved into my skin.

I watched the red liquid ooze out of the wounds and onto my bed. He let the knife fall out of his hands and onto the floor.

"There. I've made my mark." He stated, looking at the wounds with a grin. I looked around the room to see if there was anything that could possibly help me escape this nightmare.

I saw the outline of another figure with the same color eyes as Anti. The figure stealthily moved closer without being detected by Anti.

The figure got within hitting range. It wrapped it's arms around Anti and pulled him off of me.

They both struggled, the person continuously hitting Anti, but Anti, not hitting back. "How dare you turn against me!" Anti shouted.

"You never told me you were going to do THAT to her!" a voice similar to mine replied. The person grabbed the knife and held it at Anti's throat.

"Get out of here before I kill you." Anti gulped. "You wouldn't kill me... I'm the only family you have..." the person growled.

"You're not my family, she is. Now get out of here before I kill you." The person lowered the knife.

Anti shot up and bolted out the door. The figure turned to me. As they got closer, I realized that it was me.

"Wait, you're me!" She nodded. "And you're me, but the good version." She looked at the handcuffs.

"Good thing I stole the keys." She unlocked me. I sat up, rubbing my wrists. "Get some clothes on."

I slowly got up and went to my closet. I looked back at my twin. "Do you mind?" She gasped. "Oh! Sorry! I'll go!"

She stepped out, leaving me alone in the darkness. I grabbed some clothes and threw them on. As I was getting my shoes on, My twin walked in.

"Is your name Trin, then?" I asked. She shook her head. "My name's Rin. So it's your name, without the T."

I nodded, tying my shoe laces. "What did Anti mean by, "I'm the only family you have?" Rin sighed.

"I'll tell you later. Right now, we need to get to Jack." I stood up. "Get your parents." She said. "Why?" "Because they need to know what's going on, too."

I hesitantly nodded, going to my parents room. Rin followed. I went up to my mom and shook her. "Mom! Wake up!"

She slowly opened her eyes. "What?..." She replied sleepily. "Get some clothes on." She rubbed her eyes.

"Why?" Rin came over and stood next to me. My mother's eyes went wide. "Just get some clothes on. We'll explain when we get there."

I pulled my mother out of bed, and Rin got my father. We both left the room as they got dressed. "Will they get hurt?" I asked Rin.

She shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not." I stared at her. "What?" My parents came out of their room, very confused.

I grabbed their hands. "Let's go." We dragged them out of the house and we all headed to Jack's base.

~ Time skip: at Jack's base ~

We quietly dragged my parents into the Septic Base. We placed them in the middle of the floor. "Where the hell ARE we?!" My mom asked, panicking.

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