What an eventful school day...

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~ After 10 more snakes came into my room ~

"That was weird..." I said, picking a few scales off of me. "Those one snakes were really mean..."

"Yeah, but Viper and Dragon protected you." Rin replied. I nodded in agreement. I let Dragon slither up my arm and rest on my neck.

I glanced at my clock, which read 11:07. I turned around to see Rin yawning. "You tired?" She fell backwards and sighed.

"Yeeeeeeessss...." She groaned. "Well I'm not getting your sleeping bag because you lied to me."

She just laughed. "Okay, fine." She sat up. "Draic, Viper, a dhéanamh ar mo leaba dom le do thoil." The snakes went over to my closet and opened it.

They took out the sleeping bag and started unrolling it. I laughed. "I forgot you could do that." She smiled and got into her sleeping bag.

I got in bed, not bothering to put on pajamas. "Garda linn mar a rinne tú aréir." Rin said to the snakes.

They both went to the door, closed it, then curled up by it. "They're guarding again." Rin said, yawning.

I yawned. I shut off my light. "Goodnight Rin." I said. I heard her giggle. "Goodnight."

I turned on my side, hugging my Septic Eye Sam plushie. I looked at it for a while, thinking about what had happen between Jack and I. I soon fell asleep, tired of thinking sad thoughts.

~ Time skip: the next day at school: 4th period ~

I stared at my paper and sighed. ...(-43) + 28 to the 2nd power = ... I looked around the room at the others. Rin, who was sitting next to me, was on the very last problem.

I, however, was only on the fifth. "What's the answer to this one?" I whispered. "positive seven hundred forty-one."

I wrote it down as the answer. "How the frick do you know this?" She shrugged, not removing her eyes from the last problem, which was a5 + c7 - b3 * d10...

She sighed impatiently. "How the hell am I suppose to even? Like, seriously!" She whispered angrily.

I laughed and continued to "figure out" answers to problems. We all suddenly heard a loud scream.

The teacher bolted towards the door and opened it. As she looked out, she screamed and slammed it shut again.

There was an announcement on the intercom. "The building is on stage three lock down." The teacher locked the door and closed the blinds.

"Stage three?! What's stage three?!" Rin shouted, starting to panic. "The person is in the building!"

"Hide! Hide!" The teacher said. "And keep quiet!" We all scrambled around the room looking for a hiding place.

The closets were full, under the desks, under the teacher's desk, and every where else was full.

"What do we do?!" Rin cried. I put my hand over her mouth. "Shh! We both know who this is! Do you want him to find us?"

She shook her head. Suddenly, a deep laugh could be heard. We both immediately turned white. We only had one option... fight...

"Draic ... Viper ... Cabhraigh linn ..." Rin whispered. The two snakes, whom I didn't know were in the school, slithered out of the garbage can.

"When did they show up?" I asked her. "They follow me everywhere." she replied, her eyes glued to the door.

We heard another scream and a CRASH! We both jumped. "Rin, if you don't come out..." AntiSepticEye laughed.

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