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"Oh shit..." Mark mumbled, standing up. Everyone stood up and exchanged nervous looks. "So... New plan..." Jack sighed.

"Four against six? We'll still win!... Right?" The three YouTubers exchanged worried looks. "Uh... Maybe..." Felix sighed.

"MAYBE?!?" Luke, Bella, and I shouted. Jack let out a frustrated sigh. "Look, We don't know what they're going to do! They could be in this very room, for all I know!"

We heard a deep laugh. Everyone immediately activated their powers. "How'd you know?" that annoying, high-pitched voice we all HATE said.

"SCREW YOU BILLY!!!!!" We all shouted at the same time. He laughed and appeared in front of us.

Jack threw fire at him, but Billy jumped out of the way. "Come on, Jack... Don't kill my servant again... It took long enough to revive him the first time."

Anti said, appearing only a foot from Jack. Jack punched him in the gut, and Anti cursed at him.

"You're really mean..." Anti said. "Me? Mean? Ha! Look at you!" Anti sighed. "Looks like he told you, Anti." A voice laughed.

"Whatever, Dark..." Darkiplier appeared next to Anti. He stared at Mark, giving him a dirty look.

"I thought you would find a new job by now, Mark. Looks like you're still that bastard YouTuber that you are."

Mark growled and cursed under his breath. "Now now Mark, we're all friends here." Anti grinned. "We'll NEVER be friends with you..."

Anti frowned. "Oh, well that's a shame... Well, not that big of a shame, I enjoy our rivalry, and all the pain I cause you and your friends."

Anti smirked. Jack just stared at Anti angrily, the green fire growing in his hands. Black fire formed and grew in Anti's hands. "Shall we fight?"

"Oh yeah, and I'm gonna kick your ass..." Jack tackled Anti, senting them both to the ground. They both were fighting to the death.

I turned to look at Mark, but I didn't see him. Where is Mark?... I glanced at Bella and Luke, who were ready to attack someone at any moment.

I heard someone cry out in pain, and I turned to see Darkiplier on his knees, holding his stomach. I heard Mark's laugh.

"You sneaky little bastard..." Dark growled. Dark suddenly vanished. I looked over at Jack, who was choking Anti.

Jack was on top of Anti, clawing at his neck, crushing his throat. Jack's knees were cracking Anti's ribs.

"B-Billy...!" Anti coughed, barley audible. Suddenly, out of no where, Billy lunged at Jack, tackling him. Anti stood up, coughing like crazy.

Billy was now on top of Jack, holding down his arms so he couldn't hurt anyone. "I didn't want to have to do this, Jack..." Anti said, taking out a small pill the same color and emitting the same red glow as the AntiSeptic.

"...But you've forced me to..." Jack shut his mouth, refusing to let the pill enter his body. Anti forced Jack's mouth open and shoved the pill down Jack's throat.

Anti closed Jack's mouth until he knew Jack had swallowed the pill. "Get off, Billy." Anti said, wiping blood from his head.

Billy got off of Jack and stood by Anti. Jack started to get up, but dropped back down again. Jack screamed.

He grabbed his chest, tears welling up in his eyes. "Jack!" I screamed an ran over to him. I caught him right as he was going to hit the floor.

"Jack! Jack look at me!" I cried. I watched tears fall from Jack's eyes, and the color, slowly drain from them.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?!?!!??" I screamed at the top of my lungs, tears starting to flow down my face. "I gave him an AntiSeptic pill."

Jack's breathing slowly decreased. "S-Sean...?" I stuttered. "Oh, I forgot to mention, that pill will kill him"

Anti laughed. "NO!!!!" I cried, hugging Jack, who was slowly closing his eyes. I looked at him. "Sean! You stay with me! Sean! Don't you dare die on me!"

"...Y-Y-You always were m-my favorite s-s-subscriber..." he mumbled, smiling up at me. I watched as the famous YouTuber JackSepticEye, took his last breath, and went limp in my arms.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH GOD WHY??!??!!!!??!??? (Cliffhanger much?) Do you guys hate me now? I wouldn't blame you if you did... DON'T FREAK OUT!!!!! Jack will be okay! I see you freaking out out there, throwing your device across the room! NU! DUN DO THT! Have patience, my fellow Bossatronian... anyways, THANK YOU GUYS, so much for reading this chapter, and if you liked it, punch that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS!!! Aaaand high-fives all around! *high-fives to sides* but thank you guys and I'll see all you dudes, IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~ TrinSepticEye

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