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We arrived at Billy's base. Nobody said it, but we were scared. "I'll go first..." Jack went inside and down the trapdoor. We followed, and found ourselves in that all-to-familiar hallway.

Jack and I made fire appear in our hands. As we approached the entrance to the black room, we heard voices, not just any voices, my parents voices.

"Yes, I'm sure she'll come." I heard my mom say. I heard the evil laugh of Anti. "Great, now she can be with her family, and not with that Irish bastard!" I heard my dad laugh.

I could see Jack's eyes turn green, and he stepped into the black room. "Who are you callin' bastard?" I motioned for Bella and Luke to come out with me.

We walked out and stood beside Jack, ready to fight. Then I saw my parents... all dressed in black, daggers with black blades at their sides. My eyes were blue, and I was pissed.

"Ah! Trin! We knew you would come! We just didn't think you would be here with these things..." Anti motioned towards Jack, Luke, and Bella.

"What have you done to my parents..." I said in a low tone. Anti laughed and put his arms around my mother and father. "Here's what happened, and I'm just going to cut to the chase," Anti stared right into Jack's eyes. "They unsubscribed."

Jack fell backwards and landed five feet away, the fire vanished from his hands, and he landed on his back. Anti and my parents laughed. I went to help Jack, but my mom stopped me.

"Sweetie, don't go to him, he is a nobody. Join us, and we will drain all his powers and turn them into power for us." I looked at her, then at Jack, who was being helped by Bella and Luke.

"I..." I looked Anti, who had his arms open, waiting for me to come. I felt tears start running down my face. My dad came up on the other side of me.

He took my hand. "C'mon, let's go..." they both led me to Anti, who was laughing. I looked back at Jack, who had a tear running down his face. I stood in front of AntiSepticEye.

He wrapped me up in a hug. "Welcome home." He whispered in my ear. I started crying. He released me and wiped away my tears. "Why are you crying, my dear? You're where you belong."

I looked at him, and my eyes slowly changed back to hazel. Anti smiled. "Now all you have to do to be with us, is get onto Jack's channel, and press "unsubscribe", then you'll be one of us."

I hesitated for a moment. I shakily took out my phone, and got on YouTube. I got onto Jack's channel, and stared at the "unsubscribe" button. It was either Jack or my family. I looked at Anti.

He smiled and nodded. I looked back at Jack, Bella, and Luke. They were all in tears, and they were all pissed, not at me, but at AntiSepticEye. I looked into Jack's eyes. I saw anger, sorrow, worry, and other emotions.

I went back to staring at the unsub button. I slowly lifted my index finger, and pressed the button. I had chosen family. (Not AntiSepticEye :/)

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