Some Rescue...

349 19 28

~ A day later ~

I stared at the wall, picturing a YouTube video playing. "I'm really bored..." I stated dully. Rin nodded. "Me too..."

I groaned and walked over to her and sat by her. "I have a question..." I waited for her to ask her question.

"Why hasn't JackSepticEye come to save you yet?" She looked at me, waiting for an answer.

"Maybe because he doesn't want me as a friend anymore..." I sighed sadly. "Maybe he just wants me to die down here..."

Rin put her hand on my shoulder sympathetically. "He wouldn't want you to die down here! You two are best friends!"

I laughed dryly. "Sure..." She grabbed me, making me look into her green eyes. "Look at me, Trin, The only reason you're banned from his base is because I showed up,"

She let go of me. "I'm sorry I ruined your guys's friendship..." I sighed. "It's not your fault, Jack just can't tell a hero from a villain."

She smiled. We heard a scream come from upstairs. We both stood up. I hastily went to the cell window and looked for the cause of the sound.

Rin, who was still chained to the wall, looked through the window as well to try and get a glimpse of the world outside the dungeon.

We heard more screaming. "Can you see anything?" Rin asked me, still staring at the stairs. We both saw AntiSepticEye suddenly fall down the stairs.

He growled and stood up, ignoring us completely. Suddenly, the person that I thought wasn't my friend anymore came down the stairs, injured and pissed off.

"Let them go, Anti..." JackSepticEye said, the green fire growing in his hands. Anti chuckled. "Why should I?"

Jack rushed towards Anti and grabbed him by the collar. He shoved him up against the wall, pinning him there.

"Because if you don't, I'm going to murder your sorry ass..." Anti just smirked. "...Never..." Jack kneed him where it hurts.

Anti winced. Jack glanced at me. "You okay Trin?" He asked, Anti trying to escape from his grip. "Yeah... how did you find us?"

I asked. He threw Anti to the ground. "Looked it up on my computer." "Ohh..." I watched Jack kick Anti in the ribs.

Anti tripped Jack, causing him to fall. Luckily, Jack didn't his his head. They both quickly got up and continued to fight.

"Let them go! Now!" Jack demanded, swinging his fiery fist at Anti. Anti ducked. "No! Never!"

"Fine! I'm bringing in reinforcements!" Jack whistled and in ran Mark, Felix, Bella, and Luke. They all circled Anti, watching his every move.

They all had their powers activated. "Now, I'm gonna ask one more time," Jack glared at Anti. "Let them go..."

Anti made the fire disappear from his hands. He waved his hand, making the lock on the iron door disappear, as well.

Jack shoved Anti out of the way and opened the door. We both made eye contact. He rushed towards me and wrapped me in the biggest hug ever.

"I'm so sorry for kicking you out... I was being a total dick..." He stuttered. I hugged him back. "It's okay, Jack, It's okay..."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Rin smiling. When he released me, I pointed at her feet. Jack looked and saw the chains.

"We can't take her with us..." our jaws immediately dropped. "What?! Why?!" Jack sighed. "She's Anti's child, not mine."

Anti smirked. "B-But..." Rin stuttered, tears welling up in her eyes. "Yes, she is," Anti stated. "So leave her alone."

Jack and I started walking out of the cell. "No! Wait Please!" Rin cried. "Take me with you! Please! He's going to kill me!"

She was full-on crying. Anti gave her the death stare. "Håll käften din jävla hora!" Anti hissed at her.

"Nej! Bara lämna mig i fred!" Rin snapped, tears falling like rain. "Anti! don't use that kind of language with her!" Felix shouted at him.

"She's my child! I can do what I want!" Anti smirked and looked into Rins' eyes. "... Jag kan även våldta henne ..."

Rin's eyes widened. She collapsed to her knees, crying like crazy. Anti just chuckled maliciously.

I reentered the cell and knelt by her. I went through my mind to try and remember some Irish. "Cad a dúirt sé?"

She trembled in fear. "...Dúirt sé go mbeadh sé banéigean dom..." I went though my mind, translating the Irish into English. Then it hit me. Jack's eyes went wide.

"Don't you fucking dare you sick bastard..." Anti just smirked. After glaring at Anti for a few moments, Jack said "Let's get out of here..."

I looked up at Jack, who was still staring at Anti. Mark looked at me. "C'mon Trin, we have to go..." I hugged my crying friend.

"I'm not letting him do that to her!" Rin wiped her eyes. "I-It's okay Trin... I c-can protect m-myself..."

I sighed. I stood up after giving her one last hug. I left the small cell, watching Rin dry her eyes. We all went up the stairs, leaving Anti and his daughter down there alone.

"Jack... we can't let him do that..." Jack just sighed. "Let's just get to my base..." As we walked out out the wooden house and onto the street, I took one last look back.

That's the moment that I heard it... I heard Rins' scream of terror...

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