...Darkiplier and PewDarkPie...

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So, while Luke and Bella were getting their powers, PewDiePie almost drown Bella, and Markiplier almost blinded Luke...

Bella examined the two purple balls of water in her hands. Luke was still learning how to turn into Warfstache, well, in this case, Lukestache.

"Concentrate. Focus on the best thing you can think of." Mark said, standing in front of Luke. Luke nodded, closing his eyes.

We all watched Luke. Suddenly, blue, blinding light formed around Luke. When the light was gone, so was Luke. Luke was now Lukestache!

"You did it!" Mark said happily. "Yay!" Luke said, jumping up and down. Mark turned into Warfstache.

"Aww! You even have a little blue mustache!" Luke laughed. "I do?" Mark nodded. Everyone just stood there smiling.

"Now you have to practice turning invisible." Mark said. "Think of my logo, then you'll vanish." Mark suddenly disappeared.

Luke closed his eyes and suddenly disappeared. "Whoa! I did it!" we heard Luke say. "Wait... I can see you!"

"Yes, and I can see you. We can see each other when we're invisible, but no one else can see us, cool huh?"

I heard Mark say. "You guys are like father and son." Pewds said, laughing. Jack laughed and nodded.

Pewds suddenly was risen up, sitting in midair. "Whoa!" Bella smiled. Luke suddenly appeared under Felix, giving him a piggy-back ride.

"Holy shit!" Felix laughed. Mark appeared beside Luke. "Great job Luke! You can drop him now." Mark smirked.

"No wait!-" Luke dropped Pewds, and Pewds landed on his butt. "Ow... my ass..." We all stood there laughing. Luke and Mark turned normal again.

"Alright guys, we gotta be serious now. AntiSepticEye and Billy are out there somewhere." Jack stated.

We all formed a circle in the middle of the room. As we sat down, Mark said "So what's the plan?"

"So, here's what I'm thinking: Anti and Billy are the only major threats, so It should be easy to take them out. I mean, it's six good guys against two bad ones, we'll win for sure!"

Everyone nodded, except Felix. "So what are we gonna do? Break in and kill?" Jack nodded. "That's what I was planning to do." Pewds nodded.

~ Time skip 2 hours of explaining ~

Luke yawned. Bella was asleep in my lap, and I was trying to keep my eyes open. We've been explaining this for two hours, and it was past midnight.

Jack looked at us. "You guys are really bored, aren't you?" Luke and I nodded. I shook Bella and she slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes.

Mark laughed. "You guys can go practice using your powers." We all immediately shot up and ran a ways away from the three YouTubers.

"Mk, so what now?" Luke asked, turning into Lukestache. "Fight?" Bella said, water in her hands. I nodded. A sudden pain struck my side.

I collapsed to my knees, gripping my chest. They ran over to me. "What's wrong?!" Bella asked. I tried to answer, but another sharp pain hit my chest.

I fell onto my side, tears forming in my eyes. "Jack! Mark! Felix!" Bella shouted, tears forming in her eyes as well,

I heard running behind me and felt someone touch me. "Trinity!" Jack said with a worried tone.

"What did you two do?!" Mark shouted. "We didn't do anything!" they said simultaneously. Another pain struck me, causing me to cry out in pain.

"What if it's Anti...?" Pewds suggested. I heard Jack let out an angry sigh. I suddenly couldn't see, and it felt as if someone was stabbing me in the chest.

I started screaming. "It's Anti!" I heard Mark shout. We all heard an evil laugh. "You're right, Markiplier! It's me!"

We heard AntiSepticEye say. "She's going to sleep for a while, Jack, so don't bother helping her." As soon as he said that, I blacked out.

~ Dream ~

I was in a room, tied to a chair. I looked around, and saw that there was a light shining over me.

My vision cleared and I heard someone walking towards me. As the person got closer, I saw that it was AntiSepticEye. "You're awake." He chuckled.

"What the fuck did you do?!" I said, trying to kick him, but failing. "I entered this dream and made you black out because I wanted to show you my friends."

Someone came up behind Anti, and it was Mark. Wait... Mark had black clothes on and red irises with black corneas.

"D-Darkiplier...?" I stuttered. "That's right." he chuckled. "B-But... how..." "He's been here the whole time, my dear, and he hates those three just as much as I do. Of course, he hates Markiplier more."

Another person came up on the other side of Anti. It was PewDie, but with black clothes and blue irises and black corneas... PewDarkPie...

"PewDarkPie...?" He laughed and nodded. "We all have the same powers as our good sides. And I've heard that PewDiePie and Markiplier have given Bella and Luke powers as well?"

"Yes... And we're going to beat you, all of you!" They all laughed "You're really funny! Now go on and tell your friends that I have friends now as well. Well, I already did, they just weren't strong enough to join me, but now that they are, you all shall suffer."

Anti snapped his fingers and everything went dark.

~ I'm up, and ready to scream ~

I shot up, scaring everyone. They all knelt beside me. "Jack! Anti has new friends!" I cried.

"What do you mean?" Jack asked cautiously. Everyone held their breath, waiting for an answer.

"...Darkiplier and PewDarkPie..."

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