Good ending

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Hello all you beautiful out there! My name, Is TrinSepticEye, and my Facebook is BLOWING UP with replies to the last chapter. So, the votes have been counted... *drum roll* Trin is going to be... GOOD!!! I spent almost and hour counting the comments. 495 people said that Trin should stay evil, and 1,132 people said she should become good. Oh, and 109 people said I should write both. I'm going with the numbers! Here's you're main character back!

I jumped and dropped my phone. I saw AntiSepticEye running towards me. I tried to grab my phone, but Anti threw fire at me and knocked me back.

He picked up my phone, and looked at it. He growled and threw my phone at me, hitting me in the stomach. I took my phone and put it in my back pocket, moaning in the process.

"You were going to subscribe again?" He shouted. "Well yeah! Being Boss is better than being a loser!"

"Untrustworthy little bitch!" He started walking towards me, black fire in his hands. I grabbed my phone and looked at it. It was still on Jack's channel.

I punched that subscribe button IN THE FACE, LIKE A BOSS!!!!! Anti immediately crumpled to the ground. He screamed in pain.

I stood up, seeing that my JSE clothes were back on my body somehow. I made fire appear in my hands, and it was back to neon green.

I heard someone running towards me. I looked up and saw Billy, with red electricity in his hands.

He shot it at me and I jumped out of the way. I watched him kneel next to Anti, who was still in excruciating pain.

"Kill her..." Anti said through clenched teeth. I started backing up, the fire growing in my hands. Kill me, huh?

I jumped out of the way of a ball of electricity. I started running towards Billy, throwing fire in the process. He dodged most of the blows, but I got him a few times.

Billy threw a wave of electricity at me, and I dodged them, well, all but one... I looked at my arm, which was now bleeding like hell.

"FUCK!" I screamed, making the fire disappear so I could cover my wound. Billy ran up to me and grabbed me by my neck.

He pinned me up against the wall with one arm, and had red electricity in the other. He had his arm over my neck, crushing my trachea.

I kicked Billy, but it had no effect. "Any last words?" He chuckled, bringing the electricity closer to my face.

I felt a stray tear stream down my face. If I'm going to die, at least I'll die in the same building as JackSepticEye.

Billy suddenly shouted in pain and collapsed to the ground. I dropped to my knees, coughing like crazy. I closed my eyes, trying to steady me breathing.

I heard someone run to me. "Oh my God are you okay?!" They said, with their Irish accent. (Wait... XD...)

I looked up to see JackSepticEye on his knees next to me. "I'm fine," I coughed. "How the hell did you escape?"

He sighed. "Well, it wasn't easy..." he looked down at his hands, which were bleeding and burnt. I was going to ask what the fuck happened, when he grabbed me and pulled me up.

Fire appeared in his hands, and I looked in the direction he was. AntiSepticEye was standing there with black fire in his hands, and a pissed off expression.

"How did you escape?!" He shouted. "Why should I tell you?" Jack replied, giving Anti a cold look. Anti threw fire at Jack, but he jumped out of the way.

Jack grabbed me and we both were engulfed in green flames. We suddenly found ourselves in the cage with Bella and Luke.

"How?!-" "No time to explain!" Jack grabbed all three of us an we all "teleported" to Jack's base.

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