Get rekt m8! ^.^

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I was awaken by Rin shaking me. "Get up! AntiSepticEye's here!" I jerked up and looked around the room. "What?!"

She took a step back and started laughing. "Gotcha!" I sighed angrily. "I will burn you next time you do that..."

She just continued laughing. I got out of bed and saw that she had put away the sleeping bag. I made my bed and looked at my calendar.

Tuesday. "School today..." Rin said, picking up her two snakes. I nodded, getting some shoes on.

"Can I come?" she asked. "No, that would freak everyone out." She did a puppy face. "Please? I've never been to school before."

I looked at her, surprised. "You haven't been to school before?" She nodded. I sighed. "Okay, but just for today."

She jumped up and down excitedly, making her snakes freak out. "I don't understand why you're so excited, Rin, school is boring... and there's a lot of mean people there..."

She looked at me and smiled. "Chill bro, I'll take care of anyone that decides to be a bitch."

I smiled. We both went out to eat breakfast. When Rin came out with Dragon and Viper, my mom screamed.

"Mom! Dad! It's okay! They're friendly!" I assured them. My dad went up to Dragon, who was laying on Rin's neck.

He carefully patted her head, and she hissed happily in replie. "You like snakes?" Rin asked. My dad nodded.

"Draic, tá siad cairde, taispeáin an fear seo roinnt grá." The snake slithered up my dad's arm and placed herself around his neck.

He laughed. "I like this one!" Rin laughed. "That's Dragon, and this is Viper." She motioned to the other snake that was now making it's way up her leg. "Dragon's a girl and Viper's her brother."

I went over to my mom. "It's okay, mom, they won't hurt us. They're friendly. Trust me." She shook her head.

"I don't like snakes..." I sighed. "Mom, if they came here to hurt us, would Dragon be licking dad?"

We both looked towards my dad and Dragon, who was licking him with her forked tongue. Well that's really weird to watch...

I took her hand and led her to Rin, who had Viper in her hands. As I got closer, my mom got more scared.

I reached my hand out and Viper slithered up it and onto my neck. "See? Friendly." I assured her.

I took her hand and placed it on Viper's head. She cautiously stoked him, in which made Viper hiss in happiness.

She did a small smile. "Okay... you're right, these two are nice snakes..." I laughed and nodded.

"Viper, Draic, teacht." Viper slithered from my neck onto Rin's. Dragon, who was almost alseep, hissed in disapproval. "Draic, anois."

The red and black snake hissed sadly and slithered to Rin. "You can control them?" My mother asked.

Rin nodded. "They only understand Irish, though, good thing I know Irish." I looked at her skeptically. "Sucks that I don't know a lot of Irish, how do you know it?"

"I taught myself how to speak all of the Irish language." I nodded and sighed. "Well, we should go now."

Rin said. I nodded. "No breakfast?" Dad asked, still looking at Dragon. We both shook our heads.

"Oh, okay then, bye you two!" We waved and went to the bus stop. "I'm pretty sure if anyone saw Viper and Dragon they would freak."

Rin nodded. "They can stay outside the school." "How will they get there?" I asked. "They can ride on top of the bus."

My eyes widened. "They could fall off and die!" Rin shook her head. "They've rode on top of buses before, Trin, calm down."

I was still worried, but I nodded. "Folaigh go dtí go bhfaigheann an bus scoile anseo, tóg ansin ar an mbarr."

The snakes nodded. They both hid behind Rin, who laughed. We saw the bus driving towards us.

As it stopped, we could see people looking out the window at the both of us. As we got on, things escalated.

"You have a TWIN?!" Bella shouted at me, staring at my twin. I nodded. We sat down, four in a seat, which was against the rules. The bus driver didn't seem to care, he was to busy figuring out who the hell was the other chick that looked like me.

As we sat there, getting weird looks from everyone, Luke asked "What's your name?" "I'm Rin."

Luke nodded, a puzzled expression. "It's my name without the T." I said. "Yeah I know, but... she looks like..."

"ANTI!" Bella shouted, reaching out to hit her. "Whoa! Calm down! I'll explain when we get there!"

Bella lowered her fist and growled. Luke glared at Rin, which made her uncomfortable.

~ Time skip: Wishram school ~

We entered the gym and Rin and I started explaining everything. After five minutes of explaining, Luke sighed. "So you turned on your own father? Won't he kill you?"

Rin shifted uncomfortably. "I'll probably get locked up again... but no, he won't kill me..." Bella was confused. "Why?"

Rin and I looked at her with a mean look. "I mean, uh... um... sorry..." Rin sighed and laughed a small bit. "So, are you three friends or not?"

I asked them. They looked at each other, then nodded simultaneously. I smiled. "Good."

I heard a mocking laugh. "Two of you? Oh shit, that's not good!" I looked up to see Mason standing there with his little group of jerks behind him.

"What's your name?" He asked Rin in a rude tone. "Rin. And I've been told that you're a little bastard."

Mason looked surprised. No one has ever stood up to him before. "Trying to be tough, little girl? I'm WAY stronger than you, bitch."

Rin stood up, her voice dangerously low. "Viper, Draic, a ghabháil ..." Mason laughed. "Ooh! I'm so scared! What was that? A made-up curse?"

I smirked. "Nope." Suddenly, there was screaming by the gym entrance. The two snakes slithered in at an alarming speed.

Mason's eyes got wide and he bolted out of the gym, the snakes close behind him. The four of us started laughing.

We heard Mason scream and saw him get dragged across the gym floor by Viper and Dragon.

The two snakes let him go at Rin's feet. She looked down at him with a smirk. "Some curse, huh?" Mason stared up at her, terrified, and said "...W-Who the FUCK a-are you?!..."

She stared into his eyes, scaring him even more. "...Your worst nightmare." Soon as she said that, Mason and his friends bolted out of the gym, crying like little babies.

We stood there laughing. "That was awesome!" Bella said happily. We suddenly heard clapping.

I looked around and saw that a student was clapping. Another joined in, then another, then another, and soon, the whole gym was cheering for us.

We had ended Mason's reign of terror, and once again, happiness was brought to the school. ^.^

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