Damn Mason...

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My alarm went off. I slammed the snooze button and got up. I ignored the pain of my cuts and put on black jeans and a JackSepticEye shirt. I looked in the mirror.

I need a sweatshirt... I sighed. I took out a black sweatshirt that said "BOOPER DOOPER" with the Septic Eye on it. I put it on. I did everything else I had to do and said goodbye to my parents. I got on the bus.

I got weird looks from everyone, except Bella and Luke, of course. The smiled and waved. I waved back. I sat next to them, because it's three in a seat if you want it to be.

Bella had her PewDiePie shirt on and Luke had his Markiplier shirt on. I sat in the middle of them. "Hey Trin!" Bella smiled. I smiled back and waved in her face playfully. She laughed,

I noticed Luke looking at my sweatshirt wit curiosity. "What's with the Booper Dooper sweatshirt?" He asked. "I just wanted to wear it." I lied. He shrugged.

We all got off the bus and walked into the school. Soon as I walked in, I ran into Mason and his friends. "Hey cutter! How's life?" He smirked. People around us started laughing.

"Fuck off Mason..." I threatened. He stepped forward so that he was ten inches away from me. "Last time I checked, I don't have to listen to a suicidal bitch."

I was pissed. Mason took a step back, looking me in the eyes. "Dude, what happened to your eyes? They're blue!" My gaze softened, and I looked at Bella and Luke.

They looked in my eyes and nodded. They were blue. "She's a freak!" Someone screamed. I looked back at Mason. He was whispering, like everyone else.

I sighed angrily and put my hood on and stormed towards the bathroom, Bella and Luke right behind me. "Later freak!" I heard Mason shout at me.

I locked myself inside a stall. Bella started pounding on the stall door. "Trin, please come out!" She begged. I refused to unlock the door. I took off the sweatshirt, revealing all the bandages and wrappings. I started ripping off all the medical supplies, seeing as they were soaked in blood.

I looked at all my scars, that were thankfully not bleeding anymore. I put my sweatshirt on and left the stall. Bella saw the wad of bloody bandages in my hand.

I threw them into the garbage. "Trin... you cut?..." I nodded. She wrapped me in a big hug. I hugged her back. She released me and said "Don't. Just don't. No more cutting yourself. Now c'mon, we gotta go to class." I nodded again.

We walked out of the bathroom and met up with Luke. We all walked to class together.

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