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We all sat there in silence, listening to the sobs of AntiSepticEye. I looked at Mark, who had a serious look on his face.

He turned invisible. I glanced at Luke, and he wasn't there either. someone grabbed my shoulders. I whipped around, ready to punch someone.

Mark was there, smiling. "Guess what." He whispered. "What?" I asked. "You're invisible." I gasped.

"I am?" Mark nodded. I looked at Bella, who had a confused look on her face. "Trin? Mark? Luke?" she whispered.

I poked her, scaring her a small bit. "I'm right here." she looked at me in awe. "How are you invisible?" she asked.

"Mark." I replied. I could see Luke standing next to Bella. He grabbed her, scaring her even more, and turning her invisible.

"Shhh!" Luke whisper-shouted. Bella nodded, covering her mouth with her hand. We all looked at PewDiePie, who was looking around, confused as well.

"Where the fuck are you guys?" He whispered, worried that he was alone. Mark reached out with his right hand and grabbed Pewds.

He turned invisible as well. "We have to get out of here." Mark whispered. We all nodded. I glance at Anti, who was being comforted by PewDarkPie.

"Hold hands." Mark said, grabbing my hand. I grabbed Bella's hand, Bella grabbed Luke's and Luke grabbed Felix's.

"Stick close." Mark led us out of the dark room and up the trapdoor without alerting the two other counterparts.

We let go of each other's hands and let out sighs of relief. "One down, three to go..." Pewds stated.

We nodded. "We should get going before they see that we're gone." Mark said, walking towards Jack's Septic Base.

We all followed him. As we were walking, Mark looked at me. "So, why is the necklace pink and blue instead of green and blue?"

I shrugged. "Maybe it knows you're TrinSepticEye and changes to your "logo" even though you don't have a YouTube account, maybe it knows you're a huge fan of Jack and it changed itself to pink because you're a girl."

Luke suggested. "That made absolutely no sense." Felix said, laughing slightly. "Well, it kinda makes sense."

I looked at the necklace while we walked. Maybe Luke's right... What if it changed because I'm TrinSepticEye?

I sighed and looked ahead, seeing the old wooden door was close. I jogged over to it, followed by the others.

I went in first. As we reached the iron door, Bella asked "What's the password?" I punched in the three-letter password. "Sam." I replied.

She laughed. "Sam? As in Septic Eye Sam?" I nodded. We all ran into the control room, where Jacky was suppose to be... Except...

...He wasn't there...

AW SHIT! ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER! (Sorry!) Btw, SORRY for the late chapter!!!! HOMEWORK SUCKS A BIG BAG OF D. I'll try to publish a new chapter every day of whenever I can. And sorry that this chapter is kinda short... Anyways, THANK YOU GUYS, so much for reading this chapter, and if you liked it, punch that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS!!! Aaaaaand high-fives all around! *high-fives to sides* But thank you guys and I'll see all you dudes, IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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