
506 16 35

Age: 14
Word count: 1150
Summary: What if Alena got dusted?

A silence filled the battle scene, birds stopped chirping, the rustles of the wind in the trees decreased as people seemed to be fading away like dust.

Natasha was looking around for her daughter, who'd been not far from her only moments ago. Her heart began beating hard against her chest as she began shouting the 14 year olds name.

The redhead walked a few steps, praying that Alena would respond. Seconds later she ran into her husband, cutching to his lower arms.

,,Have you seen Alena? I can't find her anywhere"

She inquired, her emerald eyes darting between the ones of her husband and the path behind him. Steve shook his head. Reality hadn't hit him either yet:

,,No, I was with Bucky. He- he's gone"

,,We have to find her. She- you don't think she was dusted, do you?"

Nat rambled, hoping for a literal miracle. Her little girl couldn't be gone, she had to be around here somewhere.

Steve's expression changed the moment his wife uttered the thought of Alena's dusting. Reality hit him in that moment.

,,Honey- Nat, she's gone"

He held on to Natasha's hand, preventing her from sprinting off. The redhead turned, denial written all over her face.

She shook her head, whispering "no" over and over again. She couldn't believe her happiness, the light of her life had just been taken from her. Thanos had taken the light of Natasha's life, the light, the joy, the love of so many peoples lives and he had absolutely no remorse for it.

He did exactly what he said he'd do. Thanos wiped exactly 50% of all life from planet earth.

5 years later:

The tension had been thick between the avengers. Natasha and Steve were pretty much the only ones who stuck together. The others ... Nat didn't know where exactly they were.

Steve had been hosting gatherings for people who lost their families, friends, spouses or other loved ones. He primarily did, because he needed to cope with his his own daughter's loss and wanted to let people know they weren't alone.

Natasha had thrown herself into work, documenting every small crime that had been happening. This was the only way to distract herself from the lingering pain that came with looking at pictures of her little light, remembering all the moments they had and the thought of never seeing her again.

One night, after a virtual meeting with a few of the remaining avengers scattered all over the universe, she reached her breaking point. For the first time in a while, Tasha allowed herself to cry.

She sat in her chair, legs rested onto the table and staring at the PB and J sandwich she'd made herself while silent tears fell down her face. It was only when she heard the door close that she looked up.

,,I'd offer to cook you dinner but ... you seem pretty miserable as is"

Steve entered the room, leaning in the door frame as he looked at his wife with a compassionate expression. He knew how hard Alena's disappearance hit her because it hit him just as hard.

,,What if we never find a way to undo what Thanos did? What if we never see Alena again"

Nat asked, looking into her husband's baby blue eyes that painfully resembled her daughter's ones. It seemed all hope was lost.

,,Honey... I'm sure we will. We can't give up. You know, a lot of people feel the same and they try to move on"

Steve tried comforting the redhead, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked at her. This wasn't easy, but they needed to find a way to get out of the hole they were threatening to drown in.

,,When we move on, who does this?"

The woman countered, looking around the room before taking a bite of her sandwich. She placed the plate into the middle of the table as she started picking apart her half of the sandwich. Steve sighed:

,,You're right. Everyone moves on... but not us"

,,Not us"

Natasha shook her head, placing the now half eaten sandwich back onto the plate. She just wasn't hungry anymore.

Silence broke over the couple for a little while, before Nats gaze grazed an old family picture of the two and their daughter. She pursed her lips as she got teary eyed once more.

,,You know when I was in the red room... I had nothing"

Steve looked up, meeting his wife's eyes. He nodded.

,,And then ... Clint got me out of there, SHIELD gave me a chance at life. I got this job ... this family"

The redhead continued, a small, sorrowful smile tugging at her lips as she ran her fingers over the family picture. God, how she missed her little light's radiant smile.

,,And I was better because of it"

She concluded, wiping a few stray tears from her cheeks. Steve nodded again, now taking a look at the picture his wife had. It hurt seeing Alena so happy while thinking about how she was just gone now, along with several other people, several loved ones.

,,We'll find a way. Some day, there's gonna be a way to bring everyone back. We're just gonna have to wait for now"

He assured as he got up from the chair he'd been sitting in and walked over to Natasha. The redhead gave a small smile, although it seemed to hold more sadness than hope.

Steve brought her into a hug, planting a gentle kiss to the top of her head as the former assassin wrapped her arms around his waist.

,,How do you do it, Steve? How are you so hopeful"

She asked, looking up at the man she loved most in the world. Without him, sue would've long given up, but ... his optimism and constant reassurance kept her holding on.

,,Love. The love I have for you and the love I have for Alena keeps me sane. I don't know what I would do without you, Honey"

He admitted softly. Natasha realised that it actually made sense. They kept each other going. They had the privilege of having each other in this new, sad world.

,,I love you"

,,I love you too, Nat"

A/N: Okay this was more of a romanogers chapter, but I had this idea a while back when I was watching endgame and had to watch something else on the way to my cousins birthday, bc I was already sobbing at the 20 minute mark lol.
Anyways, this kinda fixes the weird plot hole about spiderlight being the same age even tho Peter was gone for 5 years, soooo yea, time is all over the place anyways🤷‍♀️
Okay, hope you enjoyed this really sad one, have a great day/night, stay amazing and I'll see you around <33

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