twenty four

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"Mother?" I say as I make my way downstairs again.

"I do not want to see your face whatsoever right now."

"Mummy, I'm sorry." I take a seat across from her at the dining table.

She sighs and rests an arm on the table reaching out for me. Her other hand is rubbing her forehead, like she has a bad headache.

I grab her hand and slightly squeeze it.

"I'm sorry, too, honey." she glances up at me, "I really should've been a better mother to you. I understand you're growing up. And now is that time for me to start facing that it's a fact. But you really still have to learn about the little things that happen in life. Little things about adulthood. And love."

I nod. I kinda agree with her. She should accept the fact that I'm going to be an adult. But I feel like I already know what's ahead.

"You need to understand that I'm here for you. I am your mother. And whatever it is. I am willing to help you, and give you advice with everything you have to deal with, and things you're struggling with. I'm here."

"Thanks, mother. I really appreciate that."

She gives me a warm smile, giving me an assuring squeeze, that it'll all be okay. Never have I ever thought that my mother would let me enjoy the things I like. She was always so strict, and, honestly, a pain in the arse sometimes. If you told me a year ago that she would be changing into a mother that's willing to let things go, I'd probably smack you across the face and tell you you were talking crap.

"But please, darling, be careful."

"I will. I am careful. I love him."

She nods, "If it's right, it's right. If you know, you know. I'll be there for you when you need me to be."

"I know, mother. I know."

* * * * * *


"Shut up."


"Shut up!"


"Oh, for fuck's sake!"

I grab my beeping phone in frustration and open my incoming messages.

Daddy: Hi, baby.

Daddy: I miss you loads.

Daddy: Also, I'm quite horny atm, js, tbh, fyi.

Me: omg, shut up.

Daddy: Hey now, that's not a nice way to say hello to your Daddy.

Daddy: How did the conversation with your evil mother go?

Me: Why evil? I thought you guys were friends?

Daddy: We are quite good friends. But I thought you thought she was evil.

Me: Yeah, there it is. WAS.

Me: But it went well, thanks.

Daddy: What's up with you? What's on your mind?

Daddy: Mah dick?

Me: omg, ew.

Daddy: EW? :(

Me: dUde, that's the last thing I can think about right now.

Me: Take you and your horny ass AND your huge dick elsewhere.

Daddy: y bby.

Daddy: And it is indeed huge, thanks for the compliment.

Me: What's up with your language?

Daddy: It's called swag.


Me: Stop, please! You are SOOO embarrassing yourself, in case you didn't notice.

Daddy: Baby, you need to teach me how to be cool.

Me: No, you cannot be cool. You're already hot. Stay that way.

Daddy: Hot?

Daddy: I like your thinking.

Me: I'm awesome.

Daddy: Mhm, I wouldn't say that.. but you're close?

Me: wHy dO yoU sOuNd so UnSurE?

Me: I feel very offended.

Daddy: Aw, baby, I didn't mean it that way.

Daddy: My thumb slipped on the question mark and then I accidently sent it.

Me: You're such a bad liar, oh my lord.

Daddy: Lord? I prefer daddy. But if you're into that.

Me: Oh, shut up.

Daddy: You shut up.

Me: Make me.

Daddy: Is that a challenge?

Me: No, it's an order.

Daddy: I don't take orders from you, baby. Although, it would be a fun thing to do to change things up a bit.

Me: I have a slight feeling of knowing what you're talking about, but I hope it isn't what I'm thinking.

Daddy: I'm guessing we're thinking the same thing.

Daddy: You know what that means, don't you?

Daddy: We're made for each other.

Me: You are such a charming man. It's very delightful.

Daddy: I aim to please, baby girl.

Daddy: I want to see you.

Me: I can't go out, sorry.

Daddy: Send me a picture of you.

This man has so many desires. He can get me to do anything for him. One snap with his fingers and I'm on my knees for him.

Me: *image*

Daddy: God, you're such a pleasant sight.

Me: Your vocabulary is amazing sometimes. The way you choose your words is very appealing.

Daddy: What can I say?

Daddy: I'm a graceful man.

Me: You're also very cute, so that's a plus as well.

Daddy: I'm flattered.

Me: Good, now shut up.

Me: I need to do my homework.

Daddy: As grumpy as always.

Me: Pshh, I'm not grumpy.

Daddy: You are a little bit sometimes.

Daddy: But, it's fine.

Daddy: It turns me on.

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