Secrets at Cadmus.

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It had been like what, one year since I had become Slade's apprentice? It wasn't as bad as the last time he took me under his wing since apparently I am more cooperative and a faster learner than before...Well, according to Slade that is.

He basically told me that I was at my peak, then he let me go. Just like that, apprenticeship over. Toss away the one person who knew you better than yourself, not to mention put up with you for a year.

So if you didn't know this already, I was pissed.
And jobless.

In the midst of my thoughts, the comm in my ear beeped for no reason I could fathom. Seeing that no one needed my services currently, I wasn't expecting any calls. Resisting the urge to smash the little communication device, I answered and tried to keep my voice even.

'Hello,' I rolled my eyes as the call came through. Who in hell can it be?

'Yes,' answering after a moment of silence, I frowned. 'I'll be there.'

Forget my previous rant. I am now officially job-ful. I just secured a spot at Cadmus.

How? You might be wondering.

It was simple, really. I was offered a position at the lab by one person—the same one whose very existence I loathed—and his name is Lex Luthor aka Light member Número tres— L-3 as some may know him.

How do I know him? You might ask again.

Well, since The Light orchestrated my kidnapping several years, he was given the unfortunate duty of being in charge of my education. Also, he is a black market arms dealer, so he and Deathstroke work with each other...Sometimes.

To elaborate, I have finished my secondary education and Luthor is pushing me for a bachelor degree right now. I don't understand why I need school when I spent most of my time killing people, it wasn't like I was going to grow up to be a model citizen or anything.

He just couldn't seem to give me a break despite knowing how busy I am. But a lot of coaxing—from Luthor—and since I don't want to be stuck in a classroom filled with people who will annoy me for years, I am getting online courses—or so he thinks.

Maniacal laughter bubbled out my chest, escaping my lips as I clutched my stomach, falling to the roof beneath me with grin pulling at the corners of my mouth. I am so evil.

At least now Lex has done something I don't want to punch him for—getting me a job protecting something. I don't know the details but I'm sure he'll inform me once I arrive, one way or another.

He booked me a flight for DC in three hours and I can't miss it or it's coming out of the wage I had yet to receive. I sighed, not knowing what to make of my new job.

What could be so important that I needed to guard it personally? What exactly is Cadmus anyway? Are the rumors I heard true?

Why do I feel like I've been there before?

At the last question I shook the thoughts out of my head and stared up at the twinkling diamonds littering the night sky. It was best not to question your employers, that was what got assassins killed.

I pushed myself off the roof floor and stretched, a faint smile tugging at my lips as I did. Finally, I can stop loafing around.

Walking to the edge of Wayne Tower, I looked down at Gotham. Leaning on the railing seemed to make the height from the ground less terrifying. Up here was one of the few places you could perfectly see the bright stars and pale moon. If you tried look up from down there, all you would be admiring was smog and smoke.

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