Questioned, And Answered.

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'Okay caffeine, enough of your sick twisted humor.' Artemis sneered.

'Oh Arty, you remembered!' Shadow cooed, unfazed by the archer's hostility. 'And here I thought you'd forget about the delusional rivalry between us.'

'Give back the explosives, Khafi.' Artemis ordered coldly.

Shadow only frowned. 'Don't call me that.'

'What? You have a problem with it?' Artemis taunted. 'I thought it was your name, Khafi.'

'I would prefer not to be called that.' Shadow replied coldly.

'And I'd prefer for you not have access to explosives, it seems like we don't always get what we want.'

Robin just watched the exchange with a raised eyebrow. Why did Shadow dislike the name Khafi.

'If you want them so bad, nothing's stopping you.' Shadow slid the folded handkerchief down the table to Artemis.

'Oh, enough with the parlor tricks, we all know nothing's. . .' Artemis said, flinging open the handkerchief.
'Gonna be. . .there?'

There was a brief moment of pause as the explosive devices fell out of the cloth and onto the table with a loud clang.

'Are you willing to make a bet?' Shadow smirked.

'How. . .What is this handkerchief made of ?' Artemis' words stumbled over each other.

'Artemis, wipe that mystified look off your face, besides,' she lowered the tone of her voice, as if disclosing a secret, 'a magician never reveals her secret.'


I relished the shocked look on Artemis's face. It seemed like the only looks she gave me were ones of anger, annoyance and disdain.

'Stop gawking and seat down. Spilling out Deathstroke's deepest, darkest secrets, will take time.' I stressed. 'So you best be comfortable, and this is not the place to do that.'

'What are you implying?' Superman asked.

I laughed, turning my gaze to Robin, both of us sharing the "Is he kidding with me look". Of course nobody noticed.

I walked to the man of steel, hand on my hip. 'Six words.' I said, snapping my fingers, as my voice turned serious. 'Get. Out. Meeting room. Thirty minutes.'

And then I walked back to the bed, enjoying the sheepish look on Superman's face, or should I say Clark Kent's?

If this didn't make me self-satisfied, then I don't know what would.
Sighing, Clark rubbed his temple.
'Just. . .don't go anywhere.'

'I won't.' I piped up. 'Scouts honor.' I continued, sending a salute his way.

'You were never a Scout.' Robin scoffed quietly, a hint of a smile on his face. Our conversation was too quiet to be picked up, Superman having left the room a while ago.

'Exactly,' I drawled. 'And I don't even want to think about how you knew that.'

'I paid attention.' He said softly, filling out the room with the others.

'You know what you need? A girlfriend!' I yelled at him as the door slammed shut, my words probably falling on deaf ears.

'Now,' I said to myself. 'How to get out of here?'

Whats 'bout thats k-nife youv gots up your sleeve.

'Genius!' I snapped. 'Your English is getting worse and worse each day.'

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