What They Want.

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Leaning on the wall with my knees pressed to the floor I stared at the unconscious hero in front of me, considering leaving him alone to find the bird.

But something told me I wouldn't be able to track the hero down; my brain was too befuddled to make a mental map out of this place.

Also, I didn't think Robin would appreciate me wondering about without an escort.

Finally, I heard a groan come out of my soon to be guide—you know, if he didn't try to kill me first.

'You're finally awake.' I sighed and got up.

He glared at me.

Okay, maybe this plan was not that thought out, don't blame me, it was Don's idea.

'I'm truly sorry for what happened to Miss Martian, and I also apologize for knocking you out.'

He glared harder.

What, come on, that was perfect! Grouch.

I took a step back, thankful that he didn't have heat vision. Things could get ugly, real fast.

I held my hands up in surrender. 'I don't want to fight, I just want to get to my cell.'

He grunted, heaved himself up and started walking away.

'Okay then!' I jogged after him and shoved my hands in my pockets, feeling naked without my gloves.

We walked in silence, passing so many doors that I wondered where he was taking me, or in his case, going where he wanted while ignoring me.

After a while of nothingness I got frustrated and was about to demand he take me back.

As a child I knew not to mess with temperamental kryptonians.

And now that I'm older I'm going to deliberately pick a fight with one, obviously I'm loosing brain cells as the years passed. So be it.

Or maybe it's because I can take him down.

Yeah, that's it.

'Who is that?' an all too familiar voice almost yelled and my eyes slowly focused on the blurry image of Artemis Crock.

Damn, I need to see an opthalmologist.

No, you don't, that won't solve anything, we'll get over this. Plus, you look delicious, in glasses.

'Where did you come from?'

That was I was going to say, only, it didn't come from my mouth.

'She followed me here.' Superboy said crossing his arms.

I looked passed him. I was in a room, along with, Kidflash, Superboy and Artemis. Mission room?

I took a step back and their attention fell on me. I smirked.

'Now, why don't we resolve any problems you have with me in a civil manner.' I said slowly.

An arrow flew in my direction and thinking fast I fell on my hands and kicked the arrow the archer's way. A smoke screen erupted as it made contact with the floor.

I had already anticipated this would be the result of me clashing with heroes. The speedster came at me next, with a barrage of punches.

Though my eye sight was not at it's finest, his punches were uncoordinated and repetitive, I could see them from a mile away.

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