Nick Of Time(1).

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'Why. . . did. . . you do that,' Robin wheezed, clutching his bruised side.

'Where. . . do you .keep your gloves.' Shadow said in reply, spitting in between words, hopefully cleansing her tongue.

'On my hands.' he quipped.

'Oh yeah? And where have your hands been?' She laughed, placing her hands on her hip.

His mouth opened to retort but snapped it shut. 'I'm not going to answer that.' he said.

'You better not have. Now, why did you hide me?' she asked, her voice slightly raised.

'The rest of the team doesn't particularly like you, and by that I mean, you should avoid all physical contact with them, whatsoever.' He said, his tone serious.

She nodded and stepped out of the shadows. 'So, you like me.'

He hit his head on the wall, more times than he should have. 'Is that all you got, from everything I said?'

She frowned, ignoring his remark. 'If you keep doing that, you might give yourself a concussion.'

And then she was lifted in the air by the collar of her shirt.

Robin groaned. 'Just my luck, Conner had to be coming this way too.'

He stepped forward. 'I better stop this before someone—Shadow—gets hurt, or worse, dead.'

Robin, Do not interfere. Batman's voice ordered through the comm, then the line went silent leaving static in it's wake.

Robin gritted his teeth and stepped back.

Damn, he hacked into my comm. He thought, shooting his grappling hook to the ceiling.

'You!' Superboy growled and Shadow winced.

Robin stayed hidden, crouched on a support beam overhead the seemingly one-sided fight. Shit! At this rate he's going to kill her.

He made a move forward.

Robin, stand down. His mentor's voice sprung up in his ear.

He groaned again. 'Fine, but if she dies it's your problem.'

'She won't.'

The comm clicked off.

'Your goons hurt M'gann.' Conner hissed.

'They, are not goons.' She said, looking him in the eye. 'And I apologize for being involved in the situation that caused your friend harm.'

Come on Conner, she apologized, now, set her down gently and be on your way.

He pressed his arm against her throat, completely cutting off her air supply. 'You'll be sorry when I'm done with you.'

Or not.

Shadow wrapped her fingers around the kryptonian's wrist and with her index and middle finger jabbed several points on his arm.

What is she. . .

Next, she kicked him off her, sending him straight into the wall.

Robin winced on impact. Ouch, that's got to hurt.

'Is that the only chokehold you heroes know? That is a little bit disappointing.' She said, taking deep breaths as she leaned against the wall.

Robin felt a twinge of discomfort when she said that. He knew multiple variations of the chokehold.

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