What Happens When A Speedster...

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That foolish pride of yours . . .It's time you, get rid of it. Her voice echoed in my head as darkness filled my vision.


'Really, Artemis,' A ten year old girl, eyes as dark as her pitch black hair, said sarcastically, carrying the said archer up a ragged path carved into the side of the snow covered mountain they were stranded on.

'And here I thought you were smart enough to avoid danger'. She continued, releasing a shuddering breath as she shifted her weight to get back feeling into her cold, numb leg.

'The only reason I didn't kill you-' She started again, her boots crunching the newly fallen snow as she squinted against the frosty wind.

'-is because Deathstroke needs your father to keep him in his good books. And last time I checked, having your apprentice leave the daughter of a mercenary for dead in the middle a blizzard, is not the best way to go about it.'

Artemis groaned, slowly gaining consciousness. Shadow dropped her on the snowy terrain, hard.

The archer glared at her, reaching for her bow.

'What the hell'? She gritted her teeth , getting up. 'What do you think you're doing?'

Shadow breathed in deeply, wiping snow off her thankfully waterproof mask.

'Saving you're life.' She said simply.

'I could have handled that situation on my own.' Artemis scowled.

'Of course,' the assassin said monotonously, pulling her hood over her face as she tightened her gloves, rubbing her hands to get some feeling back.

'That's it'! Artemis said, aiming her weapon at Shadow. 'You better stop acting like you're at a higher level of skill than me, because you're not.'

Shadow didn't spare a glance at the archer and payed her no mind, more focused on not loosing her fingers to frostbite.

An arrow whizzed past her imbedding itself into the mountain.

Her eyes snapped to Artemis. 'You don't know what you are asking for.'

'Oh, I know.' Artemis grinned and nocked another arrow.


Shadow sat calmly on the chair, observing Artemis. She could admit that she went overboard, but she wasn't going to say she regretted anything.

She leaned back on her seat with a sigh, balancing on it's hind legs. Perhaps some people are just harder to get through to than others.

With a gust of wind her 'cell' door was slammed open.

'Shadow!' The red and yellow speedster shouted.

'We have to get him out of there before he aggravates the situation any further and gets himself or Artemis killed.' Batman said from the meeting room.

'Are you saying that provoking her was not the right course of action?' Black Canary said with a smirk, writing something down on her notepad.

Shadow cocked her head to the side and looked at the intruder. 'KidFlash,' she replied cooly.

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