Sort of Expected.

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'Uh?' Everett cried out in shock, carefully thought out words and quips evading him.

'Don't act so surprised.' Shadow chided, her voice strained as she placed her feet firmly on the floor and stood up.

Snapped out of his stupor by the pained expression on his patients face, he rushed to support her.
'You shouldn't stand up so suddenly.'

She pushed his concern aside, leaning next to the door.

Everett stood next to her helplessly with no choice but to stay at a distance.

'It's rare to find someone who is useful, willing and dedicated.'

'And do I fit that category?' he asked with bated breath.

'No.' She said bluntly.

'Oh,' His whole being seemed to radiate disappointment.

'You are in a more important category.' She continued slowly. 'Are you willing to join The Nightshade?'

He paused.

'Stop hesitating.' She snapped. 'You can pretend that you are not interested and I can pretend that I don't know what you were intending when you made me your patient.'

'What?' He blurted out, his voice barely audible.

'It is also rare to find someone who doesn't want something from me.' Her voice was soft and dejected. 'So rare that it hardly ever happens.'

He nodded slightly in guilt.

'You wanted to make use of The Nightshade's vast networking through me, right?' She guessed.

He nodded once again. 'How did you know?'

'Does it matter?' She asked calmly.


'Hold that thought.' Shadow paused, staring at him curiously.

He acted nothing like his father.

'I feel like I'm forgetting something.'

'I'll join the Nightshade.' Everett blurted out, at the same time.

'Great,' She held out her hand for him to shake. 'But you know nothing about—'

He cut her off, shaking her hand enthusiastically. 'I can learn.'

'Wonderful. Just what I wanted to hear.' She ripped her hand out of his grip. 'Follow me.'

'Oh, okay.' He shrugged, but she was already gone.

'Wait!' The doctor cried out, chasing after her.

How is she so damn fast!


Things could be considered to be much worse at the heroes side. . .

'Who the hell are you?!' Superboy yelled in anger, his shirt long ago ripped to shreds.

Carter smiled, wet blonde hair clinging to his face as he raised his gun to take another shot, 'Where is she?'

'I'm guessing you're here for Shadow right?' Artemis asked him calmly, one hand pressed against the bullet wound on her shoulder.

'That is correct.' Carter paused. 'So, where is she?'

Conner gritted his teeth. 'We don't know.'

They had told this guy several times already but he just won't stop.

Shadow Of The NightshadeWhere stories live. Discover now