Plans, and Strings.

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Sniffling, Carla stepped away, still holding me at arms length. 'You are the nicest, most selfless. . .'

I shrugged off her arms. 'You've been on an emotional rollercoaster today, eh, Car—Claire.'

'Claire is French for Clara, right?'
She asked hesitantly.

I nodded, as she slipped on a pair of latex gloves. 'It's also French for Clare. I guess The Foundation just switched up your name.'

'But why bother,' she sighed, prying my unfeeling fingers off my wrist, 'I mean, they already had us wrapped around their fingers, had a noose around our necks, controlled everything we did, and are still controlling us. What's the point?'

I simply shrugged. 'Why make it that when two rouges meet they turn suicidal? Maybe it's to protect their secrets, maybe it's to make our lives miserable. Whatever the reason, I can't bring myself to care.'

'You don't care?!' Carla asked, shocked.

'About being manipulated, being controlled and used like a puppet?'
She continued, like she couldn't wrap her head around the fact that I didn't give a damn.

'I cut my ties, and clipped my strings. If I'm a puppet, then I've got a new puppeteer and I don't want to have to explain that my cause of death was blood loss from a cut.' I explained with an easygoing attitude.

'I don't know how you can be so indifferent about this.' Carla mumbled.

I don't know why you aren't. I wanted to reply, but instead I said, 'training.'

'Okay Shadow, we both know I can't function properly under pressure. . .'

'Good, I thought I was the only one who remembered that.' I teased.

'So tell me what to do. Why are you bleeding so much?' Carla asked, ignoring me.

I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath.

When my eyes fluttered open again they were filled with a strange sort of calm. 'I have a rare genetic disorder that makes my liver sees a certain vitamin as a toxic and biologically active foreign substance thus preventing storage of this special vitamin. As a result, I am vitamin K deficient.

'Another strange genetic disorder makes my red blood cells rapidly breakdown at a rate that's two times faster than the normal rate, and also, slows down the rate of red blood cell production to two times slower than that of an average person's, so I'm anaemic.'

Carla was about to speak.

'That's not all.'


'What?!' The Flash exclaimed, flabbergasted. 'How many problems could this girl have?'

The other members couldn't help but agree with him. This whole thing was turning into quite the production. It was almost too implausible to be true.

'A mixture of the antidote and the Omega 2 and 3 creates a chemical that's chemical inert, but reacts violently with living organic matter and metals on exposure to air. I cut my palm and used my blood to escape the confines of my cell.'

I noticed her eyes widened in realization, so I added, 'I can assure you that it was just a surface wound.'

'Your blood was enlarging the wound as it bled out,' she let out a bitter laugh, 'that's the complete opposite of what blood is supposed to do.'

'Wow', Hal whistled, looking around, 'Anyone know how she's still alive?'


He whispered, now officially bored.

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