Day 9: •°Bearable•°

626 47 31

AN: Trigger warning: Infanticide. . .
Sorry if you have a problem with this, but it just shows you how sick the F.O.U.N.D.A.T.I.O.N is.



The pain is bearable, and that is not a lie.

It keeps me sane through sleepless nights.

The nights when I could hold off the thoughts and illusions, even if it was just for a moment.

It gave me something to focus on. . .

It has been over a week. I lost count a long time ago so I couldn't be sure.

Time was always much slower at the Foundation, and almost inexistent in the Forest of Desolation. . . But I didn't know where I was so I couldn't be sure.

The memories weren't that bad. No, they were too good.

Sometimes I found myself getting lost in them.

In some, my parents never died. In others, Sai was still alive and happy. Often, I ended up dying because of my choices. Other times, I was killing the people I loved.

Robin was never in them, and I was thankful for that. If not, I would have broken days ago.


The loud creak of the door to my cell being opened broke me away from my thoughts. From the corner of my eye, I spotted a lady in a white coat walking in. An image of Carla overlapped her as I watched her stoop next to me.

'Surprise, surprise, you're still alive.' she giggled, raising her gloved hands to cover her mouth.

The image faded away. She looked nothing like Carla, acted nothing like her too.

Her hands hovered over my torso and her hazel eyes met mine. The happiness seeping off her told me she was here to torture me.

'This is going to hurt.' She smiled as her gloves started glowing an eerie red.

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