The Unexpected (2).

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Dr Everett Temper

'I would like to be her Doctor. No one should know of her condition better than me and right now she is fragile. I'm afraid that if she leaves she would be bringing unnecessary and unwanted harm to herself.' The Doctor tried not to scoff at his own words.

'Okay.' Batman nodded in agreement.

'Really?' Everett asked cautiously.

'I understand your concerns and I am handing her to you for the sake of her health. She is to be transferred to the CIA in two weeks.'

Everett's brows furrowed in thought. 'So soon.'

'The Justice League has obtained enough information from her and thus it is no longer necessary to hold her here.' Batman answered coldly. 'Do not be fooled Doctor. She may be young, but she is still a criminal.'

Nodding slightly, Everett forced a smile to his face. 'I understand.'

'It's best you do.'


Everett stared at the slowly rousing assassin, a pang of pain in chest as he watched her.

As she opened her eyes, he was pleased to see that she was looking at him.

'You're finally awake.' He took the lead in the conversation.

She said nothing, but he could tell she was slightly confused, maybe she expected to be in a different place.

Her heart rate rose.

'My name is Everett Temper and I am your doctor.' He took a step forward, closing the distance between them.

Her breathing became erratic, a dangerous glint in her eye.

The doctor stopped, only three steps separating them.

'Where am I?' Her voice was hoarse and quiet.

'Mount Justice.' He answered quickly, seeing her body slack with relief.

She closed her eyes again, not uttering a word till a few minutes later. 'Why does everything hurt?'

'You went through a series of invasive and extensive testing.' He told her honestly.

'Hm,' She hummed softly. 'Brave.'

'What did you say?' Everett asked, his heart thumping against his ribcage.

'I said, it's either brave or stupid of you to come here by yourself.' She scoffed and closed her eyes.

Feeling a burst of courage, he answered her back albeit a little angry. 'As your doctor I shouldn't need an escort every time I want to see you.'

Unexpectedly, she let out a small laugh. 'You remind me of someone I knew.'

Curious, Everett probed.
'What happened to him?'

'He's dead,' she answered, opening her eyes again. 'I killed him.'

'Well, it seems that's how it is, sorry for your. . loss.' Everett said nonchalantly.

'You are very calm.'

'I've had a lot of experience.' He smiled.

'Really?' She asked in surprise. 'You have had experience with psychotic teenagers?' Her voice contained a hint of mockery.

'You're not psychotic.' He said gently.

'Then why are you here?'

'I'm worried about your. . .health.' The Doctor said slowly, walking directly to her.

'My health?' She stared at him suspiciously. 'Since when was anybody worried about me?'

'Okay, you got me.' He laughed. 'I don't really care about you or your health in particular.'

Shadow gasped in mock surprise. 'Really?'

'I know, it's hard for people to see through my façade.' Everett sat on the edge of her bed, his tone easygoing.

'Yeah, you sure convinced me.' She commented, rolling her eyes.
'So why are you really here?'

'Adventure.' he said simply.

'Adventure?' She asked incredulously.

'The reason I became a doctor was for the thrill.'

'And now, you're bored?'

'Maybe?' He shrugged. 'Maybe I feel underappreciated.'

'And how is this my problem?' Shadow's eyes sparkled with mirth.

'You seem to be an interesting person.'


'And you did psychology.' he continued.


'That means your my next high, and since it is obvious that we would be spending a lot of quality time together. That means I also get free therapy.'

'. . .'

Recovering from her brief shock, she narrowed her eyes. 'Did you just say you want to hang with me willingly? Is Batman forcing you to?'

'No.' Everett shook his head. 'I practically begged him to.'

'And you don't mind that I'm a—'

He cut her off. 'I think every one has the potential to be a killer deep down inside.'

'Were you dropped on the head as a baby or something?'

'Nope, perfectly sane.'

'And you're not an assassin in disguise here to kill me?'

'You overestimate me, Your Highness.' He got up, his eyes filled with longing. 'If this path as a medical practitioner does not satisfy me, then I would very much like to be an assassin.'

'And you say you are sane.'

Everett shrugged. 'Have I somehow given you the impression I am not?'

Pulling herself in a sitting position, Shadow looked at him curiously. 'How old are you?'

'Twenty six.' His answer was straight forward.

'I like you.' She took in a deep breath.

Everett stood there silently as she stared unyieldingly at him, hoping to have gotten her thrust.

Then she asked him a question he was completely unprepared to answer.

'Do you want to join The Nigtshade?'


AN: For some reason I do not trust Everett.

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