You have a nightmare while he's on tour (2/4)

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Harry (2) : You just woke up after having a nightmare that Harry wasn't coming home you cried for your mum a few seconds later she ran in your room "Y/N sweetheart what's wrong?". She asked picking you up from your bed "Harry need Harry". You cried "Baby Harry's at work". She said while trying to calm you down "Harry". You screamed at  your mum she got her phone out and called Gemma who was on tour with Harry "Gemma I need you to put Harry on the phone y/n's had a nightmare and she's crying for Harry". Anna said into the phone a few seconds later Harry was on the phone and he sung you back to sleep what you didn't know is that he stopped to concert to sing to you.

Louis (7) : For the last week you've been having nightmares because you watched a scary movie that Louis wouldn't let you watch while he was home. You looked around your room and all your toys looked scary so you jumped out of bed and ran to Louis room and jumped in his bed and hid under his covers you opened FaceTime on your phone. Louis got you before he went on tour and called him after a few rings he picked up "y/n sweetheart it's 4 am why are you awake?". He asked "I had a nightmare". You cried "Oh babe it's okay don't cry nothing's going to hurt you what was the nightmare about?". He asked softly "That movie". You cried "what movie?". He asked already knowing the answer "The movie you said I can't watch I'm sorry Lou". You whispered "I know you are sweetheart why don't you close your eyes and I'll tell you a story". He said smiling as your eyes started to close. You just nodded to tired to talk he didn't even start the story before he saw you was asleep. "I love you sweetheart". He whispered before he feel asleep

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