Answer Machine Part 2

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Niall (18)

Seven minutes that's how long it took for armed police to get there, and in those seven minutes the gunmen coursed hell. 

Where ever you looked, all you saw was blood and bodies laying on the floor, some breathing some not and the ones that are breathing are acting dead to try and survive.

Officer Black was one of the first at the seen and he hasn't seen anything like this in his 5 years on the job, After taking down the gunmen the officers went in search for any survivors.

  Walking toward the back of the club officer Black noticed a toilet door laying on the floor, moving his gun in front of him he set off towards the toilet. 

Once he was inside he saw your body laying on the floor covered in blood, running over to you he noticed your faint breathing, grabbing his walkie talkie he asked for a paramedic.

"Your save now, you'll be okay" he said holding your hand is his while his over was putting pressure where you've got shot, "can you hear me sweetheart if you can giving my hand a little squeeze". he said withing a few seconds he felt his hand being squeezed.

With what felt like forever the paramedics came running into the toilet, and put your body onto a stretcher "please don't leave me". you whispered still holding officer Black's hand "i wont leave you i promise, im just going to get your phone i'll be back in a second". he said letting go of your hand.

Officer Black kept his promise he didn't leave your side until you go to the hospital and you went into theater, he remembered he had your phone.

 Getting your phone out of his pocket he saw you had loads of from big bro, pushing call back he waited for someone to answer.

"hello, y/n princess are you okay? whats going on?". said a worried niall "this is officer Black im just calling you let you know that y/n's in theater at the moment after being shot", he replied "is she okay? please tell me my little sisters okay?". niall begged "im not going to sugar coat it, when i found her she was covered in blood, but she was talking so that's a good sign". he explained "im on a plane now i'll be at the hospital in about 3 hours, can you stay with her till im there? i don't want her to be alone". niall asked "of course ive already promised her i wont leave". he replied with a smile "thank you". niall breathed out a sigh of relief that you wasn't on your own.

Two hours that's how long officer black was sitting in the waiting room before a doctor came out. "officer im doctor van i operated on the girl you brought in". the doctor said shaking his hand "how is she?". he replied as they started walking to your room "it was touch and go at one point her heart stopped 3 times, but other than that she should be fine, we stopped the bleeding and removed the bullets". the doctor explained "bullets? i thought she was only shot once". he replied "there was three bullets one was in her shoulder, another was in her thigh and the last was in her chest, how it missed her heart i don't know". the doctor said as they reached your room.

Walking into your room Joe (officer black) moved to sit in the chair beside your bed as you slept, talking your hand in his (his way of letting you know he was there) pulled out your phone to see a text from niall saying that he was in a car on the way to the hospital, he sent a quick text back letting him know that you was out of theater and your room number.

Joe had been sitting in your room for about 20 minutes before you woke up "its good to have you back with us sweetheart, how you feeling?". he asked moving to get you some water "sore".you replied weakly "you'll be feeling as good as new soon". he replied with a small smile "thank you". you whispered "for what?". he asked confused "for finding me and staying with me". you replied "i made a promise didn't i". he replied with a smile.

you and Joe sent the next half an hour talking before the boys came running into your room, niall hugged you with tears running down his face blaming himself for booking the party at that club. 

You was in the hospital for a week before you was able to go home, Niall and Joe took it in turns staying with you so you wasn't on your own, When you left the hospital niall offered Joe a job as you personal bodyguard , and all the boys placed bets to see how long it'll be until you started dating, you ended up moving in with niall because you was too scared to be on your own. 

Seventeen of your friends lost their lives that night, sadly your best friend being one of them, it turns out that the main gunman was your best friends ex, he wanted revenge on her for breaking up with him. 

All the gunmen got life in prison and will never see the outside of a prison again.

You still have nightmares about that night, where you'll wake up screaming, you was diagnosed with ptsd (post traumatic stress disorder) , Niall ended up having to soundproof the house because any loud noise would send you into shock. 

Two years you started getting over what happened and you started getting back to your old self, you still had nightmare but they wasn't as bad.

Niall and boys would do a sideshow at each concert showing pictures of all your friends who lost their lives that night, they also set up a charity to raise money for their family's, Simon Cowell  paid for their funerals, he knew most of them from your birthday/ family parties. 

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