Your M.I.A

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Request for Arzoo16199

Liam (24)

It just started as a normal day for Liam he spent most of the day in his hotel room with niall, they had been playing Xbox for about an hour when liam got a call from his mum. He hadn't spoken to her for about a week so he was happy to hear from her, well the happiness was short lived because his mum told him that that an bomb had gone off at his older sisters camp bass. I guess this is the part where I explain liam doesn't have two sisters he has three his third sister is in the army she has been since she was 18 years old, and at the moment she's over seas fighting.

After hanging up the phone with his mum liam called the other boys into this room so he could tell them. Niall started crying because he looks at arzoo as his older sister, Harry called his older sister Gemma because she's best friends with arzoo and louis his was just sitting there in shock.

The boys spend the rest of the day waiting for the phone to ring to see if there was any news, and when it got to about 2am they though it would be a good idea to go to bed because they had a long day the next morning. The day had gone fast but sadly with no news and before they new it it was time to go on stage.

About an hour into the concert they boys were looking at all the signs most of them being the same PRAY FOR ARZOO AND HER TEAM with a picture of all of them before they left.
"I just wanna say a quick thank you for all the signs to night and for praying for them and I promise as soon as I know anything I'll let you know" liam said looking at the crowd " okay everyone I want you all the close your eyes and we're going to pray" harry smile all the crowd held hands and closed their eyes the boys doing the same " dear lord we pray to go that you bring arzoo and her team back home to their faces safe and healthy we also pray for everyone that's in the army and navy get home safe Amen" Niall said "Amen" the crowd repeated.

After everyone opened their eyes the fan's started screaming arzoo's name, liam turned around to see this older sister standings there in her army uniform" arzoo" liam whispered she gave his a smile and opened her arms for a hug. Within a second he was running into her arms.

Arzoo stayed on stage for the rest of the concert and because they boys hadn't sung with her there they decided that they was going to stay on stage for another hour, I know most of you are thinking what happened back at the army bass well let's just say that arzoo was lucky that she walked away with 3 broken ribs and loads of cuts and bruises.

Hope you like it sorry it's taken me so long to get it up for you.

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