Hit And Run Part 3

879 20 5

Harry 19

"How is she? harry asked worried looking at the doctor "Im sorry to tell you this Mr Styles Y/n been put on life support, her heart stopped 4 times in surgery it was very touch and go but we managed to bring her back each time". The doctor explained "so whats gonna happen now". Harry asked in tears "The next 24 hours are going to be the most important, its the time that shes going to decide if shes going to fight or give her, it'll all down to her now." The doctor said with a sad smile.

24 hours Harry sat next to your bed holding your hand begging you not to leave him. 

He called your friends to let them know, He called all the boys Louis flew in for la, Liam rushed to the hospital, Niall took to planes from Australia to make sure he was at the hospital before them 24 hours was up.

Your mum and Gemma they was in shock, couldn't speak just cry, paps sat outside the hospital hoping to get a photo of someone crying.

Hour 25, Harry was beside himself with worry, the doctors told him you could start moving if you was going to wake up but you haven't, your just laying there.

Hour 30, Liam drove your  mum and sister to harrys so they could try and get some sleep, Niall made sure harry took a shower, Louis sat next to you begging you to move something.

Hour 35, The doctors have decided that your giving up on living.

Hour 37, Zayn walked into your room, Hugged the boys walking to your bedside he took your hand in his.

"i promise Y/n i'll do anything and i mean anything you want if you wake up, you cant leave us we need you." Zayn said with tears running down his face.

Hour 40, You haven't moved the doctors moved your breathing tube as you started breathing on your own.

Hour 45, Harry felt you hand move.

Hour 46, Your eyes started to move.

Hour 47, You opened your eyes.

Hour 48, You asked Zayn to do the one thing he didn't think he'd ever do again.

find out what Y/n asked Zayn in part 4 of Hit And Run xx

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