Something Bad Happens 1D Day

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Niall (2)

Niall's pov

Today we're doing 1D Day and i have a bad feeling like something bad's going to happen, we're about 3 hours and  Louis and Harry are doing their hour while me and Liam are back stage with my daughter y/n. "daddy i hunger."Y/n cried "okay princess what do you want." i asked picking her up and walking to the snack table "erm can i have nana please." she replied with a puppy dog face "of course you can babygirl do you want me to cut it up for you." i asked picking up a banana and cutting it up for her "tank you daddy." she smiled and walked over to Liam and sat on his lap sharing her banana with him "daddy do you want some nana." Y/m asked holding some out for me "no thank you sweetheart you eat it." I replied smiling at her "otay daddy it's really yummy." She said eating some more that little girl really is my world, When y/n's mum died giving birth to her it was like all my happiest went but as soon as i looked at y/n beautiful face i knew i had something to live for. At first i was finding it really hard being a single dad but 3 weeks after she was born Liam moved in with me, about a month after he moved in with us we started getting feelings for each other. One night after putting y/n to bed we was sitting on the sofa when Liam kissed me and asked me to be him boyfriend of course i said yes and today's our 2 year anniversary.

For the next hour welcome out Niall, Liam and Y/n, Liam and i walked out holding Y/n's hands "Is everybody ready for the next hour." Liam shouted as everyone cheered, We was about about half an hour into our hour when y/n dropped to the floor "y/n." Liam and i shouted as we ran to her and dropping to our knees "can you hear us babygirl."Liam asked as her eyes began to shut "No princess keep your eyes open for daddy and papa." I cried Mark came running over to us "an ambulance is on the way it should be here soon." Mark said taking y/n hand checking her pulse "Its really slow we need to get her to the hospital now." he said as her picked her us, Just then the paramedic's rushed in "Her pulse is really slow and shes not responding to us." Mark said as he laid her own "Okay only 2 people can come with her." a medic said "Liam and i we're her dad's "Okay lets go." the medic said as we all run to the ambulance and got in.

After waiting for an hour in the waiting room when Doctor Shepherd walked out "How is she?." I asked worried "I dont know how to tell you this but y/n was drugged." the doctor said "How was she drugged she's been with us all day she hasn't left mine or Niall's sight." Liam said taking my hand in his "The only thing we can think of is it was in something shes ate or drunk." Doctor Shepherd explained "Only only thing she's ate today was her breakfast at home and we had bottles already made for her." i cried "Niall the banana." Liam said worried "What banana." Doctor Shepherd asked "y/n was hungry before we went and asked for a banana that was on the snack table." Liam said with tears in his eyes, just as the Doctor was about to reply a nurse run in "Doctor Shepherd we've got another person who has been drugged." the nurse said "who?." Doctor Shepherd asked "A Mr Harry Styles." the nurse replied  

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