you get arrested

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liam (17)

It started as a normal Saturday night, you was getting ready to go to a party with your friend, what started as a good night took a big turn for a worse.

You was at the party for about an hour when people started taking drugs, turning to your friends you all agreed to leave, you said you'd start the car while they used the bathroom.

just as you was about to opened the front door, a police man walked in followed by loads more and started arresting people.

You being one of them, being walked to the police fan you saw your friends running off, you sat quietly unable to believe that they left you.

You was at the police station for an hour before you was aloud a phone call, thinking about who to call you decided you call your older brother James.

After explaining what happened, he agreed to pick you up, half an hour later a police called your name and he walked you to the reception.

Waiting for you wasn't you brother but your dad liam.

"Dad I" you started but he quickly cut you off " I don't want to hear a word from you young lady, your in so much trouble when we get home". He said through his teeth

Half an hour later you was sitting in the living room, with your mum sitting next to you holding your hand, while your dad was phasing the room.

"A party with drink and drugs Y/n your 17 years old are you our of your god dam mind" your dad shouted

"You've just been arrested, do you know how bad that's going to make me look". He shouted

You opened your mouth to reply when you was cut off again.

" no I don't want to hear a single word that comes out your month, now go to your room I can't even look at you right now I'm so disappeared in you". He said pointing to the stairs

Kissing your mum on the cheek you quickly said goodnight, before running up the stairs too your room.

It was around 7 the next morning when you woke up with a really sore throat, after having a shower and getting dressed you picked up your phone and walked downstairs.

Morning sweetheart". Your mum greeted you, you opened your mouth to reply but no words came out.

Grabbing some paper and a pen you quickly wrote that you couldn't speak,  you mum moved from the cooker to check your throat.

" it's really swollen at the minute sweetheart, we'll keep an eye on it okay". You mum said as she moved to wash her hands.

It was about an hour later when you felt like you couldn't breath, you quickly texted your mum to tell her because she was downstairs.

Within seconds you heard her running up the stairs and into your room, she quickly checked your throat to find out that it was nearly closed.

Helping you to the car she drove to the hospital, going through 3 red lights she made it to the hospital with 7 minutes, she parked the car before rushing you into the hospital screaming for help.

3 doctors and 2 nurses ran to help, by then you was turning blue from not being able to breath.

Several hours later your breathing was under control, but you was still waiting for you tests to come back.

Just as the doctor was about to tell you tell you what was wrong, your dad rushed into the room.

Saying a quick sorry he let the doctor continue, "so as I was saying y/n's tests and x-ray has came back and I'm sorry but it's bad new". The doctor said "what wrong with her?". Your mum asked with a shaky voice

"Her tests have showed that she was drugged last night and she had an allergic reaction to it, that's what made her throat swell we going to need to keep her in here for a few days just to keep an eye on her". The doctor said with a sad smile

"What about her x-ray". Liam asked worried "well it shows that the allergic reaction you had, had damaged your voice cords how things are looking at the moment we're giving you an 10% chance of talking again". He replied leaving you all shocked

Will y/n get your voice back or will it be gone for good find out in part 2.

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