Your adopted

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Harry (2)

This time last year harry lost his wife and unborn child in a car crash, unable to feel the empty space in his heart he decided to adopt a little girl.

Pulling up to the adoption centre, harry was met by a horrible looking lady mrs hog, who looked like she couldn't care less about the kids.

After spending an hour looking at a folder with all the kids in there, harry decided on the 3 he'd like to meet.

The first girl was Lilly and all say was talking about was what she wanted harry to buy her when he adopts her.

Next there was sally, a cute looking girl with a personality that didn't match, she was rude something harry doesn't like.

Next there was y/n the youngest of the girl in the home and the prettiest little girl Harry's ever seen.

She was sitting in a chair in front of him, not speaking a world looking at her shoes as if they was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Hi kitten I'm harry". Harry said softly looking at her "hi hawwy". She whispered back looking at him "you looking pretty today I like your shoes". He smiled "tank yow". She said with a small smile " your welcome kitten, how would you like me to be your new daddy". Harry said unsure of what she would say "no more being hewe". Said replied with wide eyes "no more living here". Harry smiled picking her up and walking to the office where the mrs hog was.

"Mrs hog I've decided I want to adopt y/n". Harry said sitting down with y/n on his lap "you want to adopt this little brat there plenty of better girl than her". Mrs hog replied making y/n cry "just give me the papers so I can be on my way". Harry demanded.

After signing the papers harry left with y/n in his arms promising her that she'll never be back, after putting her into her car seat harry started driving.

"Are you hungry kitten?". Harry asked looking at her in the mirror "food".y/n replied smiling at him "well you'll get along with uncle Niall". Harry said to himself as he pulled into a McDonald's drive thru

After ordering harry drove home and got y/n and their food out of the car and into the kitchen, after finishing their lunch and picked y/n up to show her her new room

"Kitten do you wanna see your new room". Harry said with a smile " yeah". Y/n cheered

Pulling y/n on the floor harry opened the door and let her go in first "what do you thing?". Harry asked worried that she wouldn't like it. "It's so pwetty". She replied looking around.

"Okay kitten this door goes into daddy's room if you get scared in the night okay"

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"Okay kitten this door goes into daddy's room if you get scared in the night okay". He said sitting on the floor "otay daddy". Y/n said sitting on his lap hugging him "love you". Y/n said falling asleep "I love you too kitten". Harry replied kissing her head and putting her into her bed, before going into his room to watch some tv while she slept.

Y/n's only been in Harry's life for 3 hours but he already can't imagine his life without her.

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