He left you at the park

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Louis (3)

To Louis you was the apple of his eye, he would do anything and everything for you. Well that was until his son Freddie was born.

It started as a normal Wednesday, Louis got you and Freddie ready to go to the park for the morning, and being 3 years old that was so exciting for you.

You had been there for about half an hour with Louis pushing you and Freddie on the swings, when you got bored and wanted to go on the slide.

After telling Louis that you wanted to go on the slide he stopped your swing and took you out, then went back to pushing Freddie, it wasn't until 10 minutes later that you looked over at the swings to see Louis wasn't there.

Standing on top of the slide you looked around the park to find you was the only one there, what you didn't know was that Freddie had gotten sick and Louis took him home completely forgetting about you.

As the panic started to set in you started crying for Louis, you was still on the slide at the moment and as you took a step back you feel backwards of it and landed on you back falling into darkness as you hit the ground.

Part 2 coming soon xx

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