Secret Sister Part 2

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Harry (5)

"Harry you don't have a little sister." Louis said looking really confused "Yeah i do her names Y/n she was born the day we was put in the band, when we got signed me and my mum agreed that we would keep her a secret so she could have a normal life." i cried "Give me your keys." he said holding his hand out. I handed him my keys with a small smile as we walked to my car, about 20 minuets later we was at the hospital .

We walked up to the reception "Y/n Styles' room please." I asked she typed a few things then looked at me "Room 77 on the 7th floor dear." she smiled I nodded with a smile and walked to the lift with Louis walking behind me, "She'll be fine mate." he said patting my shoulder. when the lift stopped we got out and ran to room 77 and walked in to see my mum and Gemma sitting by Y/m bed as she slept.

"How is she." i asked sitting on the end of her bed "Shes okay we just waiting for her x-rays to come back." mum said moving over so Louis could sit down "So what happened you didn't say on the phone ." i asked as i held Gemma's hand "Me and mum was in the kitchen cooking lunch and we thought y/n was playing in her room we didn't know what she was doing until we heard a scream and something falling down the stairs, we run to the bottom to see y/n laying there it turns out she was in your room putting on your clothes and tried walking down the stairs in a pair of your boots and ended up tripping."Gemma cried as a doctor walked in "Hi im doctor Owl y/n's doctor so ive just checked her x-rays and it shows that shes broke her arm and twisted her knee, So shes going to need a cast of her arm for 6 weeks and to stay of her knee for about a week, we can get her a wheelchair if you like." the doctor said giving us a sad smile "No its okay if we need to go somewhere we'll just carry her but thank you." I smiled "Okay that's fine im going to send a nurse to do her cast then shes free to go home." The doctor said then walked out the room a couple of minutes later y/n opened her eyes she looked at me "Hazzy." She smiled "Hey my beautiful princess." i said getting up to move next to her and pulled her into a hug "babygirl this is Louis." i said pointing to him "I know silly hazzy can i call him boobear." she asked whispering the last part "Of course you can call me boobear but only if i can call you babybear." Louis smiled "deal." y/n smiled back 

Y/n got out the hospital half an hour later and ended up coming back to the studio with me and Louis and met Simon, Niall and Liam and they all loved her, we told the fans a few weeks later and they understood why she was kept a secret.

Louis (21)

"we've met your sister's stop lying." Eleanor shouted at me "Im not lying to you she's my little sister."i shouted back "I know your cheating just admit it." she screamed "Im not cheating on you but if you don't believe me then im done." i said as i got my key and walked out the door making sure to slam it, i got in my car and drove to y/n house.

"babygirl." i called as i walked in "in the kitchen." she called back i walked down the hall and into the kitchen where she was feeding her 1 year old son Kenzie "You okay?." Y/n asked "No i think me and el broke up." i replied with tears in my eyes "what why." she asked handing me a tissue "there was a story saying that i was cheating on you and now she thinks im cheating, i tried to tell her that you was my sister but she didn't believe me." i cried "oh bub don't cry kenzie i think uncle LouLou needs a hug don't you " she asked kenzie as she got him out of his highchair "Yeah LouLou need a kenzie hug." kenzie giggled as he held his arms out for me i took him in my arms and hugged him into my chest. LouLou otay now." he asked "Yeah the kenzie hug helped." i smiled kissing his head "hey babygirl when do you go back to work?." i asked y/n "Im 3 weeks why?." she replied "I need to get away from london for a bit what do you say me, you and kenzie go on holiday for a few weeks." I smiled "omg yes we're in." she laughed jumping up and down "Okay got and get packed and ive got some clothes and my passport here haven't i?." i asked "Yeah its in the safe with mine and kenzie's passport." she replied 

An hour later we was sitting on our plain waiting to take off.

Part 3 to Louis' coming soon 

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