Saving The Boys Girlfriend's Part 2

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Harry (18)

Harry's POV

By the time we got to the hospital y/n was already in surgery we went up to the family waiting room. When we got there Perrie was walking round the room looking nervous and Eleanor and Sophia we're painting their nails looking bored, "have you heard anything yet?". I asked sitting down " not yet hopefully we will soon." Perrie replied " so what happened?." Niall asked "we was driving to the hotel when a Lorry started coming into our lane, we couldn't speed up because there was a car in front of us, and if we kept going to speed we was it would of hit Eleanor's door so y/n grabbed my hand and said sorry then hit the breaks just as the Lorry hit us making sure it hit her door not Eleanor's y/n saved her life." Perrie sobbed as I hugged her.
We waited for about an hour before a doctor came into the waiting room "family of y/n styles". He asked we all stood up "okay I've got good and bad news what would you like first". He asked "good please". I replied "okay y/n's awake so your welcome to see her, but you'll have to make it quick because  we don't think she'll make it through the night". He said giving us a sad smile we all nodded as he gave us her room number then left.
We walked to her room in silence when we got here I walked in first with perrie holding my hand (A/N perrie and y/n are bestfriends) and walked over to her bed, y/n smiled when we got there "hey beautiful how you feeling". I asked kissing her temple "I'm okay the doctors told me they don't think I'll make it". She replied "I know babygirl". I said "can you all promise me something". She asked, we all nodded "can you all promise me not to be upset when I'm gone, to carry on with your life's and be happy and at my funeral I don't want anybody wearing black I want bright colours, and Harry I want all my money to go to my favourite charity's please". She smiled "of course". We replied.
It's been about 7 hours since we've been with y/n it's now 2:37am everybody is asleep but me and y/n "hey haz". She whispered "yeah?". I whispered back "I'm getting sleepy". She said "go to sleep babygirl". I replied "the lights so pretty has". She said in awe "follow it babygirl I love you so much". I said as tears ran down my face "okay has I love you too". She replied as she closed her eyes " I promise I'll see you soon". I said as I kiss her temple, about half an hour later Niall woke up and looked over at me "haz?". He whispered "she's gone". I whispered back as he hugged me

Niall's pov
It's been 3 weeks since y/n's funeral and we haven't seen Harry for the last few day and he's not answering his phone, So me and the boys are going round this house. As we pulled up to the house everything seemed okay, we got out the car and louis opened his front door with the key he has "Harry?". Louis shouted but we got no answer "his cars here so he's gotta be home". Liam said "let's just check his room". I replied. We walked upstairs to his room when we got there his door was open so we walked in and there was Harry laying on his bed white as a ghost with loads of table bottles around him and a letter in his hand "omg". Louis cried as he fell to the floor with Liam and zayn hugging him I walked over to his bed and got the letter and opened it.
Dear boys,
                   I'm sorry that you had to find me like this, but as you know y/n's my world and I can't live without her. I want you boys to stay as one direction please don't break up the world needs you boys together like I needed to be with y/n.
Louis where do I start you're the L to my arry I'm gonna miss you boobear your not just my bestfriend your my brother I love you Lou see you one day hopefully it won't be anytime soon xxx
Liam daddy direction I'm gonna miss you li making sure we was always on time and everything was okay when we was worried thanks for being a great from I love you li xx
Zayn I'm gonna miss you Bradford badboy Who's gonna help you pick out tattoos now I'm gone lol Thanks for being an great friend I love you z
Niall babyboy I'm gonna miss you the most I love you with all my heart Niall you make my the happiest man alive when you said yes to being my boyfriend, but baby please promise me something please find someone else to love and spend the rest of your life with I wanna see you happy not sad I love you Niall and when your time come and you've got your wings I'll be waiting for you at them golden gates and we'll spend the rest of time together I love you so so so much Niall I'll miss you xxxxxxxxxxx
Third persons PoV
The world was shocked from finding out that Harry had past away they boys told the world that Harry had past away in this sleep, as for the boys well They we're together for another 4 years before they decide it was time to break up. Louis went on to being the new and better Simon cowell, Liam he ending up having a acting career and got married to Danielle after him and Sophie broke up, Zayn he went on to having a solo career after breaking up with perrie, and Niall he ended up passing away the same year one direction broke up. He died of a heart attack but the world knew it was the heartbreak for loosing Harry that killed him and he was buried next to Harry, they was together in life now they'll remain together in death.

One Direction BSM DDMTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon