Saving his life part 2

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Liam (20)

"We're losing her". The doctor shouted as he tried to restart your heart
After trying for to start your heart the doctor decided that there was nothing more they could do
"time of death 9:17am". The doctor said
Beep beep beep "Her hearts beating" a nurse shouted. They finished your surgery and moved you to the ICU (intensive care unit) while the doctor when and spoke to your family.

Karen's PoV
We've been sitting here for ages now waiting to hear how Liam's surgery went we've tried calling Y/N but her phones off just as I was about to call her again the doctor walked in with a sad smile on his face
"Hi I'm doctor smith I done the surgery I have some good news and bad news which would you like first?". Doctor smith asked "can we have the good news first". I replied "okay well Liam's surgery went really well and he should be awake soon" the doctor smiled "and the bad news". Geoff asked "well Y/N heart stopped as we was stitching her up after trying to save her for half an hour we called her death " the doctor said as we all started crying "But her heart did some how start again but I'm sorry to tell you this but she's in a coma and we don't know if or when she'll wake up " he added  "why was Y/N having surgery"Ruth asked "She didn't tell you".The doctor replied "Tell us what" I asked "Y/N was the one that gave Liam her kidney". He replied 

Liam's pov 

Its been 6 months since i woke up after my surgery to find that my baby sister nearly died saving my life its also been 6 months since shes been in a coma. Right now im doing a concert with the boys when i looked at my sister Ruth to see her on her phone with tears running down her face i jumped off the stage and run over to her leaving everyone shocked "Whats wrong? why are you crying?". I asked worried "its Y/N shes woke up shes over". she said as she wiped my tears 

Shes okay my baby sister's okay I thought to myself.

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