Request For MillaMariaKataja

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Lilo (3)

It's was about 3 in the afternoon Louis was in the kitchen cleaning while his and Liam's 3 year old daughter was upstairs taking a nap, Louis had just finished clean when he heard screaming from upstairs he rushed up the stairs as quickly as he could tripping over their dog who was running beside him and ran into his daughters room, when he got there the sight in front of him broke his heart there was his princess tossing and turning while screaming in her sleep. He kneeled down beside her bed and held her trying to wake her up "come on princess wake up for daddy". He pleaded after 5 minutes of trying to wake her up with no luck he decided to call Liam he got out his phone and found his number
L-hello? Why can I hear screaming?
Lo- Liam I need you to come home quickly
L- okay I'm on way
Lo- okay I love you
L- I love you too
after Louis hung up the phone he was back to his princess's side "papa's coming home princess he'll help you I promise". Louis cried, 10 minutes later Liam come running into the room taking his little girl from his arms and started singing don't for get where you belong while rocking her back and forth. When that didn't work he started singing history, soon her screaming stopped and her eyes started to flutter open, as soon as her beautiful eyes locked with his she started sobbing He pulled her to his chest and let her cry while he whispered sweet things to her. Louis left to room thinking it'll be best to let Liam calm her down he walked down stairs and into the living room and sat on the sofa, while he was sitting he couldn't help think how jealous he was of Liam he was the one who stayed home when their daughter he was the one who make sure she was always happy yet it was Liam who woke her up from her nightmare Liam was the one who was upstairs calming her down while he felt sorry for himself, when he snapped out of his thoughts he looked at the clock and relished that is been a few hours since he left Liam with their crying daughter. He decided that it'll be best that he checked on them, he made his way back upstairs then he got to the doorway of his little girls room his heart melted at the sight in front of him, his loving husband and beautiful daughter both asleep in her pink princess bed. After a few minutes of looking at him he pulled out his phone and took a picture of them then posted it on Twitter with the caption "he truly is an amazing dad he would do anything for our princess love them both so much my world xxx
After he posted the picture he walked into the room and pulled the covers over them and kissed them both goodnight. It was at the moment that he know he wouldn't change his life for the world

Sorry it's not that good but I hope you like 🙃

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