Something bad happens 1d day part 3

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Niall (2)

7 Months thats how long its been since anyones heard Your voice, pretty much everyone had given up hope of you talking again.

Being only 2 you didn't understand so you was crying alot more than normal, the boys getitng use to it usually left you to cry, i know it sounds bad but its what the doctor told them to do.

It was a normal saturday afternoon, Liam had put you down for a nap while having a cigarette,(a/n i know thats something liam wouldnt do its just for the story) He put in down as he changed your nappy and forgot to pick it back up.

You had been asleep for an hour when you woke up to smoke in your room, worried you started crying.

Downstairs Niall and Liam was watching a movie when they heard your cries, Niall went to get up when Liam pulled him back down.

"You know what the doctors said we have to leave her until she calms down". Liam said with a sad smile

Not knowing what to say Niall just nodded his head, 10 minutes later you was still crying and niall was getting a bit worried but pushed it a side.

Upstairs in your bedroom the smoke had turned to flames and it was spreading fast, you was getting more hotter and worried by the secend as the flames were getting closer to you crib.

Getting more and more sleepy you used your last bit of energy to scream as loads as you could of your dad.

Downstairs Niall was just about to fall asleep when he heard DADDY!!!!!!!!, jumping up and running up the stairs as fast and he could he was met with smoke.

"Y/N" he shouted waking liam up, running into you room he pushed the door open and was met with unbelievable heat he run throught the flames to get to your crib on the other side of the room.

carefully picking you up from your crib, he put under his shirt and ran out the room with his trousers on fire, running downstairs he was met with liam sitting on the sofa confused.

"theres a fire in Y/n's room get out" Niall said as he started running out the door with liam quickly following.

Once outside Niall passed you to Liam as he ripped his trousers off before pulling you back into his arms crying.

" Im so sorry princess" Niall cried as liam called 999

With in minuets you was in a back of ambulance with Niall getting checked over by a doctor.

You had breathed in a lot of smoke but you was fine and Niall had some burns on his legs but he didnt care, he'd be burnt all over if that meant you'd be safe.

After that you started getting your voice back little by little, The doctor said over time your voice would be back to normal.

It turns out there was a 1 in 200 millions chance you'd get your voice back so as the doctor said it was a Miracle you did.

A/N I hope you like it sorry it took me so long to write it.

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