Request For RobertAguila

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Harry (13)

Y/n styles Harry styles' daughter looks just like him, curly brown hair green eyes and of course those dimples the only girl in Harry's life or so she thought. It started as a normal day y/n was in her bedroom looking at a photo album that had pictures of her mum before she died, it's about around 1pm when Harry called her downstairs so she put the album on her bed and walked down. She walked into the living room where Harry was sitting with someone "hey dad". Y/n smiled "hey babygirl I want you to meet someone this is kelly my girlfriend". He smiled as he looked at Kelly "oh hi it's nice to meet you". Y/n said "yeah hi". Kelly said rolling her eyes "dad I've got some homework to do so I'll be in my room". Y/n said then walked out. Half an hour later y/n heard the front door close so she thought Kelly when home, but she was shocked to see Kelly walk into her room with an angry look on her face "I just want to let you know I'm the only girl in Harry's life now and when we have a baby he'll forget about you your just a mistake anyway". Kelly shouted "my dad will never forget about me". Y/n whispered as she tried not to cry, Kelly walked over to her bookcase where she had all the little things her mum had got her before she died and grabbed the last present a snow globe that her mum got her from Paris "don't touch that please put it down". Y/n pleased Kelly looked at her with a smirk and dropped it watching it fall to the floor and smash "you stupid bitch". Y/n screamed just as Harry walked into the room "y/n". His voice boomed as he walked over to her "I've got 5 seconds to say sorry or your going to be in so much trouble young lady". He shouted "I'm not saying sorry to her she smashed the last thing I ever got from my mum". Y/n screamed back she soon felt a hand hit her face and stinging to follow, looking at her dad in shock she said the 3 words she never thought she'd say "I hate you". She whispered then ran out of her room and out of her house. Harry who was more shocked that he just hit his babygirl turned to Kelly "what was you doing in y/n's room?". He asked "just telling her that when we have a baby you'll forget about her". Kelly laughed "that will never happen now get out my house before I call the police". Harry snapped, she quickly run out the house and slammed the door shut Harry sat on y/n's bed lost in thought it was until an hour later when someone knocked on the door he snapped out of them, running down and opening the door he saw Niall, Louis and Liam standing there "hey guys what are you doing here?". He asked "we come here every year on the anniversary of Lauren's death". Louis said "how's y/n doing?". Niall asked worried "I don't know we got into a flight and she left". Harry said as a few tears fell, they walked into the living room and Harry explained everything that happened today after he finished there was a knock on the door "I'll get it". Liam said standing up and walking to the door as he opened it he saw two police officers standing there "is mr styles in?". One asked "yeah come in". Liam said worried they walked into the living room, Harry stood up when he saw them and shook their hands "mr styles it'll be best if you sit down". One officer said not knowing what to say Harry nodded and sat down again "mr styles an hour ago we was called to an accident that happened someone had been hit by a car and was killed on impacted I'm sorry to tell you this mr styles but y/n was the person who was hit". The officer said all the boys started crying "where did it happen". Louis cried "on white chapel lane". The officer replied "that's where Lauren died". Harry whispered "they have moved y/n body to the hospital if you'd like to go there and say goodbye". The officer said the boys hit nodded "we're sorry for your lost mr styles". The other officers said as the both stood up and walked out.

It's been 6 months since you died and they boys still cry about it most days, their back on tour now and at every show they do a slideshow with pictures from when you was a baby to the last picture they took of you 2 days before you died. They fan we're hit hard by your death the day of your funeral they lined the streets from Harry's house to the church with posters saying how much you meant to they and little quote that you had said, you might gone but you'll never be forgotten.

Hope you like it

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