You Pass Away Part 2

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Niall (20)

Its been 2 days since Y/N passed away, right now im sitting on the sofa with Liam while the twins are asleep.

"I think its time i tell the fans about Y/N".I said getting my laptop "Babe are you sure your ready?".Liam asked worried "No but they need to know".I replied as i opened twitter

@NiallOfficial - I would like to let everyone know that mine and Liam's beautiful twins have been born and are both doing really well, but in sadder news my beautiful little sister Y/N lost her life giving birth, the doctors had told her that they would only be able to save her or the baby so she chose the baby. I miss you so much princess you will always be in everyone hearts i love you so much beautiful #RestInPeaceY/N #AngelHoran 

After sending the tweet i broke down in Liam's arms "I miss her so much, i need in little sister".I cried "i know i miss her too".Liam cried 

After crying in each other arms for about an hour Liam went a checked on the twins while i went on twitter as i opened it i was shocked to see all the people that had tweeted about Y/N passing away

@Real_Liam_Payne - So sad losing my beautiful little sister Y/N, It was great having you in my life and being the little sister i always wanted, i love and miss you sweetheart and i promise that i'll keep the twins and Niall happy #RestInPeaceY/N #AngelHoran

@Louis_Tomlinson - So sad losing my prank buddy, You was such a funny, carefree beautiful girl who could have anyone wrapped around her little finger at a blink of an eye i'll miss you so much sweetie I love you so much #RestInPeaceY/N #AngelHoran

@Harry_Styles - Heart breaking news that Y/N lose her life, You was taken to soon what am i going to do without you beautiful? i need you, You wasn't just my best friend you was the love of my life i just wish that i had told you, You was the only girl ive ever pictured spending my life with and seeing you carrying Niam's baby made me wish it was our baby, I Love You So Much Beautiful #RestInPeaceY/N #AngelHoran

@zaynmalik - So sad to hear about Y/N passing away, she was such a bright and talented girl  #RestInPeaceY/N #AngelHoran

@LittleMix - Heartbreaking new about our little sister, You was crazy talented with such a big heart and would do anything for anyone the worlds lost a true angel #RestInPeaceY/N #AngelHoran 

@justinbieber - Cant get over the news that the most beautiful and talented girl ive ever met has past away #RestInPeaceY/N #AngelHoran

@TheEllenShow - Heartbreaking news that Y/N passed away the worlds going to miss you beautiful #RestInPeaceY/N #AngelHoran

after reading a few tweets i logged off twitter not being about to read anymore.

The days passed quickly and now it was the day of Y/N funeral, All the way from our house to the church fan's lined the street with signs showing their respect and how much Y/N meant to them.

The funeral was just how Y/N wanted it to be, Everyone was wearing bright colours and telling funny story's about Y/N.

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