You have your baby

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Harry (17)

When Harry found out this baby girl was having a baby at 17, to say he was mad was an understatement he was pissed.

But what he was more angry about was the fact that the baby's father didn't wanna be in it's life.

But he got over it knowing his little girl needed him, so he got in touch with his lawyer and got a contact signing all rights off the baby over to you.

It's been 8 months since you found out you was pregnant, your now 9 months pregnant and your due date is tomorrow.

You was sitting in your living room watching this is us, you was drinking a glass of water when you got a sharp pain in your stomach, then you felt water running down your leg.

Crying in pain you dropped the glass you was holding, seconds later your dad ran into the room.

"What's wrong". He asked worried "my water just broke". You cried "that's no reason to cry there's loads more water in the kitchen". He said rolling his eyes "no dad the baby's coming". You screamed

Calling for your brother to get your hospital bag, he picked you up and ran you to his car sitting you in the front seat, he waiting for your brother to come out.

Once your brother was in the car he drove to the hospital going 60 in a 30 zone, luckily there wasn't any police.

Putting up to the hospital Harry picked you up and ran in calling for help, you was soon put on a bed and in a room waiting to have your baby.

You was at the hospital for 5 hours before it was time to push, your brother and uncles left the room when you was told it was time.

"I can't do this daddy I want my mum". You cried as you pushed "you can do this sweetheart, I know your mums looking down on you with a big smile on her face". He replied kissing your head

Four more pushes and the baby was out and what a beautiful baby it was.

"It's a boy".the midwife smiled handing you your son "he's perfect". Harry cried "what are you going to name him?". He asked taking him from your arms "Harry Danny Styles, after you and mum". You replied with a tired smile

Harry walked over to a chair and sat down with his grandson in his arms asleep "your not even and hour old and you've already stole my heart, I love you little man". He smiled kissing his head.

After putting baby Harry in his cot, he sat next to you pulling you into a hug.

"You done girl baby girl he's perfect, but I don't want to be a grandad again any time soon". Harry laughed "I promise no more baby's". You smiled

The next time you was pregnant you was 23 and this time it was with niall's son Kane (Pronounced key+in), you started dating about 7  months after you had Harry and after dating him for a year he adopted Harry as his son.

You couldn't wish for a better life and you definitely couldn't wish for a better family.

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