adopted daughter

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Request for shanay20

Louis (5)

Growing up Shana didn't know what love was, when she was just a week old she was left on the doorstep of little darlings orphanage.
She was really shy so she had a hard time making friends, so most of the time you'd see her in the garden playing with a football.

Louis Tomlinson a house hold name everyone thought he had the perfect life. He had fame, money and most importantly he had people that loved him, but there was still something missing he just didn't know what it was yet.

It started as a normal Tuesday for louis he woke up with nothing to do because he was on a break before the next tour started, so he thought he'd go for a run. He had been running for about an hour when he heard a little voice "Kevin please give me my ball back". the voice said just then a little boy holding a football ran into him, dropping the ball the boy ran off leaving louis to pick it up.

"can I have my ball back? please". The same voice as before asked, louis looked down to see the most adorable little girl he's ever seen "oh sorry love here you go". Louis smiled handing over the ball "thank you sir". She smiled a small smile " your welcome love was that boy your brother?". He asked "no sir we just live in the same house". She replied pointing to the house that had LITTLE DARLINGS ORPHANAGE written on the front of it.

Louis was so lost in thought that he didn't even realise that the girl had walked off leaving him looking at the house. "Can i help you sir?". A voice asked "erm I'm erm". Louis said lost for words "are you looking to adopted?". She lady asked that's when louis realised what's been missing was little kids running around "yeah I am". Louis smiled "follow me and you can see all the kids we have here." She smiled Louis followed her into her office.

Sitting down louis started to look at all the photos half an hour later louis found the perfect girl for him

First name - shana
Last name - n/a
Age - 5
D.O.B - 23rd July 2010
Likes - football
Dislikes - clowns
Personal information - shana is a really kind girl who loves football and being outside, shes also really shy and takes a while to warm up to people.

"Have you found the one?". The lady asked "yeah I have I'd like to adopted shana". Louis said with a big smile "okay fill out these forms while I'll go and get shana ready" she smiled "thank you" louis replied.

Shana was sitting in the garden pouting while watching all the boys playing football, the reason she was pouting was because Kevin took her ball again and she knew she wasn't going to get it back.

"Shana honey" miss Mary call "yes miss?" She asked "can you go and pack your bags you've been adopted dear". Miss Mary smiled "really" she asked scared miss Mary nodded her head, shana gave a small smile and walked off. 5 minutes later shana walked into the room louis was sitting in with a smile suitcase "you ready sweetheart?" Louis asked shana nodded with a pout still on her face realising that she wont be able to play football anymore.

It's been a week since louis adopted shana and it hasn't been the best week for louis shana would only talk when he asked her questions. But for shana it had been the best week of her life and she was starting to trust louis a lot, right now shana was in her room bored so she decided to ask louis if he would buy her a new football.

Walking down stairs and into the kitchen where louis was drinking a cup of tea and went and stood next to him "daddy can we go a buy a football please?". She asked "what did you say?" Louis asked shocked that shana just called him daddy "I said daddy can we go and buy a football please". She repeated confused "you call me daddy". He said still in shock, shana thinking she was in trouble for calling him that she started crying " I'm sorry louis please don't be angry at me" she cried "oh sweetheart I'm not angry I was just a little shocked I'm really happy you called me daddy I promise" louis said hugging her.

Louis and shana got much closer after that day, she got over her shyness and it was like having another louis, if people didn't know any better they'd think that they was father and daughter by blood not adoption.

Hope you like it =]

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