13 Times:)

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I was tagged by Knightmare_Frame

1. You must post all the rules.
2. You must tag 13 people.
3. Each person must answer 13 questions.
4. Answer the questions assigned to you and make questions for other people.
5. You can't say you don't do tags but if you don't want to that's okay...
6. Tag backs are allowed.
7. Must finish within a week.
8. Be Creative with the title.


#1 Your Mother language?
Uh... Chinese I guess though I suck at it. And I really mean that I suck. 我的华文很差呀...

#2 Your favourite social network?
Uh... I don't really like to go into social network and instagram's the only one I have so that's my answer I guess.

#3 First Anime you ever watched?
Fairy tail. I mean... That's the first anime I watched and got into anime. Before that, I just watched Naruto but never really cared about anime then.

#4 Do you like swimming?
Hell yeah! Of course! I love the water, it's my comfort zone (As I've said in the chat book...)

#5 How old are you?
As I've said, I'm not gonna tell but you can guess:)

#6 Your Favourite Colour?
Grey. Again, this answer was in my chat book.

#7 Nike or Converse?
Oh gosh... I won't say that I'm a very 'in' person which wears all the 'in' clothes so I guess Nike. (But I prefer Adidas though... ; - ;)

#8 Your favourite fruit?
Bananas!! Not because Len likes them but because I truly love them:)

#9 Are you a night owl?
Mm... Not very sure. If there's anime, yes. Other than that... Not really... I think. I honestly don't know...

#10 What makes you laugh like Haru?
I'm guessing Haru is Nanase Haruka from Free! Mm... When The Bros (In case you don't know them, they're my closest friends. Another close friend is a girl from church. I'm not gonna put their names down) crack up a joke especially when (Secret name) takes my reading glasses and where's them, making him look like some weirdo 😂 he just did it today during Science!

#11 Have you ever dyed your hair?
No but does chlorine count? (Because again, as I've said in my chat book, I was from the Swim club) I guess not:(

#12 (I wasn't given I 12th question)
(Nothing here...)

#13 Your Favourite app?
Wattpad!! Like seriously, it's useful and fun to be here:P)

I tag:

My questions:

#1 Favourite Anime genre?

#2 Favourite book in Wattpad?

#3 Which country are you from?

#4 Sneakers or Track shoes?

#5 Read or Write?

#6 Peanut butter or Nutella?

#7 Favourite F1 driver? (Or Favourite car is fine)

#8 Other than Japanese, what is another language that you'll want to pick up.

#9 Do you like Chibi or Manga drawings more?

#10 KnB or Haikyuu!!?

#11 Do you interact better with guys or girls?

#12 Do you love cookies?! (Give me a no and I'll cry)

#13 Did you ever get detention before?

Yep, gonna post this on my 'Chat with Kunaiwa' book as well:) Read it if you want!!


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