13 For Thir(the)teen

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The title isn't creative but yeah... If you get it, it's supposed to be 13 for the teen. Anyways, let's get started:)

I was tagged by Himitsudesu thanks for the tag!

1. You must post all the rules.
2. You must tag 13 people.
3. Each person must answer 13 questions.
4. Answer the questions assigned to you and make questions for other people.
5. You can't say you don't do tags but if you don't want to that's okay...
6. Tag backs are allowed.
7. Must finish within a week.
8. Be Creative with the title.


#1 What would you ask for if you knew the answer was yes?
Mm... I'll ask for world peace. Wait... Where have I imagined myself typing this before? Oh gosh... I'm gettin' creeped out by myself. Save me!

#2 If someone gave you the complete story of your life from beginning to the end, would you read all of it?
Yeah of course! I mean, God's the one who decides my life for him. My only role is to let him guide me and obey:)

#3 What's your style of clothes?
At home I wear shorts which are maybe about 2 finger spacings above my knee and I wear a dry-fit or comfortable shirt. Sometimes I also wear sleeveless like if I'm gonna play basketball or volleyball. If I'm going to church, just a random shirt and long pants with sneakers.

#4 Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?
Woah... This is hard... I guess it's a battle between coffee and tea... Mm... I guess I like tea more but I like frappés from McCafe as well:P

#5 London, Paris, Milan, Tokyo or New York?
Tokyo:) Though I would prefer to go Hokkaido if I were to go to Japan.

#6 Do you make 11:11 wishes/wish on shooting stars? If so, do you believe in them, or do you just do them for fun?
Mm... I never saw a shooting star before so... And if I ever did make a wish, actually, I don't think I will. I'll just pray to God to help me. So I wouldn't believe the 'Wish Upon A Star' logic.

#7 At the moment, if karma was coming back to you, would it be good or bad?
I think karma has already came back to me. But of course karma is bad. Cos like, I overworked my arms a little too much and my left arm is suffering from muscle overwork so no gym for me:(

#8 Favourite pickup line?
Uh... Lemme think... Mm... I guess it's 'Can i follow you? Because my parents always told me to follow my dreams'. Hehe XD

#9 Any phobias? If yes, what triggered it/them?
I have... Arachnophobia, a bit of Claustrophobia and Entomophobia or Acarophobia. So basically, I'm scared of insects and would very much wanna keep away from them. I really don't like huge crowds and I'm scared of people touching me in the wrong place especially my (Not telling) or snatching my things. That's why I'm a bit afraid of crowds. More like I hate them.

#10 What's the hardest thing to say: hello, goodbye, or sorry?
I guess it's hello. It's really hard for me to start conversations with people but it's easy for me to talk to them. Or... Sometimes, I guess I'm kinda prideful and I'm shameful of it so sorry would be the hardest thing to say. But I say sorry to God almost every time I pray.

#11 Favourite Disney movie of all time?
Mm... I didn't watch many... But... I guess Bambi? I watched it when I was 4 and I remember saying that I really like it😂

#12 Are you an optimist, pessimist, opportunist, all three, or a combination of any two?
I think I'm closer to optimist. But honestly, I dunno. Ask _Happy_endings_

#13 What did you want to be when you were a kid?
Well, at first I wanted to be a veterinarian. But then I wanted to be a police officer.

I tag:

My questions:

#1 What's your favourite animal?

#2 Do you like the outdoors more or indoors more?

#3 Would you rather take out the trash or do homework?

#4 Do you like reading books from Wattpad or physical books more?

#5 To you, what is a tomboy?

#6 What is your favourite action anime?

#7 Would you rather play video games or sports?

#8 Do like offence or defence?

#9 Do you wanna be my friend? •w•

#10 Do you like novels more or short stories more?

#11 Angst or fluff?

#12 Birthday?

#13 Do you like classical piano music or pop piano music more?

Yeah that's it! Heehee


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