Your dance routine

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(WELCOME, my name is jamie and this is my book, please enjoy)

You were in your changing room getting ready for the show tonight, you wore a red sparkly bikiny and a see though red top that stopped just past your hips. You were putting on simple makeup like mascara, and touch of gold eyeshadow and a dark red lipstick, you would sweat to much for foundation, then you did your hair in a messy bun pulling down strands of hair to the side of your face. You stood up looking at your outfit and gave a slight twirl, you frowned 'I look like a whore'.

You hated your job but sadly your dream of being a photgrapher or dancer has been nothing but ..well a dream, you made your way out remembering to lock the door so none of the other girls could steal your stuff, you learned quickly that in this lifestyle you can't trust anyone.

You made your way down the dark pink halls passing other changing rooms with names like candy, angel, star. You gave out a slight laugh 'at least I gave myself a good name' you thought to yourself. When you came to the end of the hall, you're eyes went straight to the bar where you saw the closes person you would ever consider a friend, his name was jax, he was the clubs bar tender and probably the only man who's brain wasn't in his pants. You were friends because he didn't look at you as a sex object in fact he had respect of all the girls and you didn't judge him to be a emo college dropout who became a bar tender because it was "cool".

You walked over to get two things, one to get the latest gossip because you know people talk to the bar tender when they get drunk and two you always got a drink before you went on stage, guess you could say it's for courage or to drown the feeling of discust of what you do. You gave a smile and stood at the end of the bar, jax gave a side smile "hey (y/n), you ready for tonight" you gave out a sigh and laid your head on the bar "ahh don't even talk about it... I have to dance with the taylor twins", jax was cleaning a glass but you knew he was still payed attention as he burst out laughing. You always bitched about them and how they would never leave you alone and they wanted to do your makeup but they looked like clowns so you always said no to the offers, jax handed you a whiskey and gave a sympathetic look.

Speaking of the devils, you heard them laughing and before you had a chance to run they were at your side "hey girl you like ready for tonight, it's like going to be tots fabulous" said one "yeah like tots so hot" said the other one. The thing that really pissed you off about them was they're annoying ass voices, now when you become a striper our boss tells us to put a voice on like a really feminine voice when dealing with customers, but these two, nope that was they're voice 24/7 and it was so fucking annoying.

You put on a smile and nodded "mmm hmm" you had to bite back the comment you really wanted to make, their attention turned to jax who was giggling to himself "hey cutie, how's you" jax's eyes wided but he was soon save by the boss "GIRLS MOVE YOUR ASSES BACK STAGE WE'RE OPENING AND YOUR UP IN 10" the twins moaned but they gave jax a flirty wink and waved, jax's had a look that said 'please... tell me they don't like me', you took a big gulp of your drink and handed him back the glass giving him the same look he gave when he first handed the drink, you got up and headed back stage.


You were peeking through the curtains and could see that the place was full of mutants and the odd human here and there, you and the twins got in position and then you heard the intro "tonight we have the taylor twins" the crowd started with wolf whistles "and our dark princess SCARLEETT" the crowd went wild with screams and whistles and when the curtains pulled back to reveal us, you could see every face and how they looked at you and the other girls, it brought one word to mind 'bastards' and the song 'dirty mind' came on, yous made your way down the stage to your poles and began the dance.

(sorry its short but I don't want to rush into it to much and i just want to see if anyone likes this idea. oh and if you want me to do the turtles, just ask and even give me a ruff view on what you want a.k.a this character is a stripper)






love in a lap dance (TMNT Raphael x reader) * Completed *Where stories live. Discover now